Who would be the easiest pony to sleep with? Okay, get your minds out of the gutter!
Over the course of the series there have been more than a few episodes that deal with the Mane 6 and their friends sleeping habits.
For example, Twilight has a tendency to stay up all night working, sometimes for days at a time if it's something she's really excited or worried about. All that pacing, pen scratching and muttering could make it pretty difficult to sleep, let alone to have the chance to snuggle up with that bundle of manic anxiety.
The rest of her friends have their own sleeping habits, both good and bad.
Rarity also has a tendency to stay up long into the night working, but when she does decide to bed down for the night she has a very specific ritual and regime that she follows to ensure a good night's sleep. Disturbing this ritual in any way is likely to invite and earful, and it seems unlikely that Rarity would be willing to share her space to begin with.
Fluttershy on the other hand seems like a very warm and inviting individual. Though shy, she would defiantly be more accommodating than Rarity. Unfortunately, she is the type to keep snacks in her bed, not for herself but for the many pets and critters that reside in her cottage. It's very likely that she's the kind who likes to share her bed with her pets as well, so you could expect to have to deal with a pile of furry friends wriggling around next to you while you were trying to sleep as well as all the crumbs from the treats that they just 'have to have' in order to get a good night's sleep.
Then there is Pinkie Pie. Always so full of energy with party and joke supplies piled in every closet and hidden in every drawer, you'd think this pink party pony would be difficult to share a room with, let alone a good night's sleep. However, it turns out not only does Pinkie adore comfy pajamas and keeps an extra pair for friends and family who are staying the night, but she also can completely switch herself off at the drop of a hat. The problem arises when the first rays of sunshine begin to creep over her bed. Pinkie goes from dead to the world to wide awake in an instant and she's ready to start her day with all the fanfare and frivolity that accompanies it. If you aren't a morning person yourself and like to lie In, her high energy and cheerful mood could be exactly the most horrible thing to deal with.
of course there are more mundane concerns. Rainbow Dash tends to take naps in odd, hard to reach places. Both she and Starlight snore loud enough to make their sleeping companions think they are under attack by fearsome monsters or in the middle of a herd of stampeding wildebeests. Applejack has a tendency to hog all the covers for herself. Trixie seems to insist on sleeping her wagon. That kind of thing.
Knowing from experience that it is sometimes hard to share sleeping arraignments with another, I'm well aware that there are some things that others find to be more easily tolerated while other things are automatically non-starters. With that in mind, which pony do you think you'd have the easiest time sleeping with?
Submitted August 22, 2019 at 09:46AM by TheKnackerman
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