Someone posted this thread asking How (In Celestia's Name) the song Welcome To The Show has more views than any other MLP song, comparing it to Winter Wrap Up as their benchmark for MLP songs with a lot of views, That got me looking at the view counts of various MLP and MLP-related songs and I decided to go a little deeper , , , And typed "MLP song" into youtube and sorted by view count, I think the results are interesting, as it seems like most of the actual fandom related to MLP is for Equestria Girls,
Before we get to that though, here are the top 25 most viewed videos of MLP songs from the actual show, Spoiler alert, Winter Wrap Up only made number ten, the Smile Song didn't even make the top 20, with a little bit more than Hasbro's upload of the theme song, 25, I Have To Find a Way Remastered & Extended - 3,873,883
24, The Ticket Song Multi-Language - 3,844,83 If you don't include those two because they aren't strictly uploads from the show than the list would start out, 25, Art of the Dress - 3,691,069
26, Love Is In Bloom - 3,749,407
23, My Little Pony Theme Song - 4,037,953
22, Light of Your Cutie Mark - 4,043,720
21, The Smile Song - 4,053,480
20, The Vote - 5,184,745
19, The Perfect Stallion - 5,184,745
18, The Pony I Want to Be - - 5,328,276
17, Hush Now Quiet Now Lullaby - 5,562,299
16, B,B,B,F,F, - 6,283,457
15, Raise This Barn
14, Babs Seed - 6,688,351
13, Pinkie's Lament - 6,768,249
12, You'll Play Your Part - 6,847,757
11, The Spectacle - 6,894,819
10, Winter Wrap Up - 6,922,901 As far as the most viewed MLP songs of all types, this song is around , , , 37 on list of results by view count if you include some fan songs, depending on your criteria, 9, The Gala Song - 7,943,69
8, Find the Music In You - 12,319,621 plus 9,535,735
7, Giggle At The Ghosties - 12,633,866
6, Make This Castle A Home - 17,234,061
5, Hearts Strong as Horses - 19,424,759
4, Bats - 26,698,912 These are the only three songs from the show that are in the top ten most viewed MLP songs of all time: 3, This Day Aria - 60,371,737
2, A True True Friend - 61,184,473 plus an extra 5,220,781
1, What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me - 144,174,035
Now, here are the top 40 most viewed MLP songs from any official media,
40, We Got This Together - 5,500,646
39, Awesome As I Wanna Be - 5,932,804
38, B,B,B,F,F, - 6,283,457
37, We Will Stand For Everfree - 6,389,473
36, Raise This Barn
35, Babs Seed - 6,688,351
34, Pinkie's Lament - 6,768,249
33, Perfect Day For Fun - 6,787,468
32, You'll Play Your Part - 6,847,757
31, The Spectacle - 6,894,819
30, Winter Wrap Up - 6,922,901
29, Dance Magic - 7,093,591
28, The Gala Song - 7,943,69
27, One Small Thing - 8,470,546
26, Better Than Ever - 9,070,444
25, Life Is A Runway
24, Unleash The Magic - 10,842,988
23, Music To My Ears - 11,983,509 plus 7,525,248
22, Find the Music In You - 12,319,621 plus 9,535,735
21, Giggle At The Ghosties - 12,633,866
20, Time To Be Awesome - 13,902,851
19, Shake Your Tail - 14,324,230
18, The Moon Rises, Animation - 16,229,823
17, Make This Castle A Home - 17,234,061
16, Hearts Strong as Horses - 19,424,759
15, Monday Blues - 19,609,743
14, This Is Our Big Night - 21,159,227
13, Under Our Spell - 22,951,726
12, Open Up Your Eyes - 24,445,576
11, Bats - 26,698,912
10, Time To Come Together - 32,736,896
9, Battle - 34,293,139 plus 30,264,678
8, Don't Mine At Night - 38,652,900
7, Rainbow - 38,852,454 plus 36,683,41Basdf and 6,608,550
6, My Past is Not Today - 47,340,475 plus another 23,554,94 and 6,410,981
5, This Day Aria - 60,371,737
4, A True True Friend - 61,184,473
3, Cafeteria Song - 121,417,294 plus another 36,818,104 and [12,905,692](13,902,851) for good measure
2, What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me - 144,174,035
1, Welcome To The Show - 255,000,272 plus an extra 22,177,724 for good measure
And finally, because this journey gave me a look at the most viewed fan videos, here are the top 25 most viewed animated PMVs and fan songs (parody songs included).
There is some obscure stuff on this list next to the things you'd expect.
25, The Sirens' Call (Equestria Girls Dazzlings Song) - 5,633,809
24, Fight Song (Sung in MLP Voices) - 5,998,892
23, The Frozen Heart Parody - 6,099,355
22, VIP Clouds Music Video - 6,090,210
21, Hide and Seek - 6,336,071
20, Fluttershy's Lament - 6,372,629
19, Hijo de la Luna (PMV) - 6,938,624
18, September - 7,411,318 (This Jeff The Killer based version of the song has more views)
17, Beyond Her Tombstone - 8,044,802
16, Rainbow Factory - 8,527,446
15, Daddy Discord - 9,059,902
14, Nightmare Night PMV - 9,134,404
13, Strangers PMV aimation - 10,545,998
12, La Da Dee PMV - 11,146,855
11, Five Nights at Freddy's PMV - 16,114,546
10, The Moon Rises. Animation - 16,229,823
9, This Nightcore version of Beat It has over twice the views of the original PMV. Beat It looped for 20 minutes under a different channel and name - 9,170,080
8, [This thing](27,843,210) . . . - 27,843,210.
7, Five Nights at AJ's - 26,502,793
6, Discord - 31,074,175
5, Five Nights at Freddy's Little Pony - 37,386,901
4, Don't Mine At Night - 38,652,900
- Lullaby For A Princess - 31,760,260
2, Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows - 47,862,984
1, Children of the Night - 53,534,773
Honorable mentions:
Luna "Angel of Darkness" MLP FIM PMV is the most viewed PMV without original animation, with 66,801,616 views.
And for some reason [this]sad my little pony art slideshow of sad MLP art titled only "sad my little pony" has 103,456,663 views, making it the 4th most viewed video on this entire thread. Forget Welcome To The Show, somebody explain that view count to me.
These Finger Family Song.
So, anyway, I thought these lists might be interesting to discuss or just peruse through.
via reddit