Does anyone else think the "there are no TRUE white horses" thing is dumb and makes it confusing to talk to non-horse people? Ok so let me go on a little rant here.
I used to have an Arabian gelding named Joey. When people who had not ask me what color Joey was, I was met with a dilemma.
Do I say "oh he's grey" and run the risk of the person picturing a Pantone shade of grey, only to think I'm an idiot when they see a Snow White horse? Or do I say "white," and receive another "uhhhm actually, there are no TRUE white horses because tekinikally they have pigment so they're greeeeey" lecture from a horses person who thinks I somehow have not heard it before?
Y'all. If you see a white dog do you ask about the color of his skin? Would it make a difference if the dog was born black and turned white? No, the dog is fucking white. Why do we have to be so technical?
Submitted June 06, 2020 at 11:52AM by msgmeyourcatsnudes
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