Submitted November 26, 2017 at 06:53PM by TheKnackerman
via reddit
I have a non-profit barn in Tennessee, with the two major services of it being boarding and rescue. This boarder came here in June, signed my boarding contract (which does include that if she has not paid in two months, and I have sent her bill written out explaining she must pay within the following month, I can sell her horse to make up for my losses. My contract also includes she has to bring or pay me for feed.), and I went to pick up her horse.
The last month she paid for was September. So she owes me for October and now November, I paid for him to get his hooves trimmed twice, wormed him, and he has been eating a bag of feed each week.
I sent her a short letter after calls were not returned, which I know she received because she texted me immediately saying she was really sorry but thankful I have been patient and would pay me a small bit of it Friday (two days ago) because she could not afford to pay it all at once.
She did not show up, so I texted back that I hoped she was okay and would see her this weekend. She did not reply to the text, and my other boarders have talked to me about riding in the arena or just sitting around with her multiple times since she stopped paying, so she has not just disappeared.
I really cannot afford to take care of her horse like this when I have a lot of rescues who are taking up a lot of feed and vet visits and rehab with the farrier. I'm happy to provide low cost services, do all the care needed for my boarders and keep them updated on how their horse is doing when they can't come out, etc. but not give free board and feed, and cover their other fees (farrier, for example). This owner knows that, or at least I thought she did.
I have had horses abandoned at my barn, and I have kicked out a boarder for being aggressive towards other guests, but I have never had someone just stop paying while still coming out and using my facility like everything is fine.
Do I need to send another certified letter, contact my lawyer, or make a report to the sheriff (they know me for filing rescue reports and accompanying the USDA to do their annual inspection)..? I'm not a demanding person so this is not my first instinct, but I'm not blind to my finances, either.
TL;DR: Boarder stopped paying and bringing her horse's feed, so I have been covering his bills while she continues to use my facilities and did not show up to pay me any of what she owes after she said she would be here. I cannot afford this any longer, what should I do next?
I'm looking to buy some kind of sturdy mount for my girlfriend for christmas that can be attached to the horn of a western saddle so she can use her smartphone for navigation on rides. Has any one any idea how to achieve or make this or knows a fitting mount?
Thanks a lot!