Silverstream by Joakaha
Submitted March 25, 2018 at 06:00PM by Bluegodzill
via reddit
I am not sure if this is the best place to post, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I would really appreciate any advice regarding my situation. I am living in the midwest, and eventually will be inheriting a barn. It has 24 stalls, but only 6 horses right now. It is in good shape, but not mAking any money right now. My family used to show horses, so it used to be full and busy. I would love to see it busy again, but I have no idea where to even start. I was not personally raised around horses, so I didn't grow up with them, but I am eager to learn. I guess I just don't even know if I should try? Is it possible to learn about horses of you didn't grow up around it? I have started trying to research and it is really overwhelming. I have no idea where to start or what getting the barn really going would entail. Can anyone recommend resources for me? I have found a lot of information about the costs of a horse but not a barn specifically. There is an outdoor arena, pasture, a trail and pond. We have someone we get hay from for the current horses, we have someone who takes care of them and looks after the barn, but he is only getting enough money from the owners of the 6 to keep things afloat, so no income. I know that eventually i am inheriting this, I would love to have a head start on it, I just feel in over my head at the moment. Sorry this is so jumbled, and as I said if this is not a good place to look for help i can delete this. I am also trying to be vague enough to stay anonymous, please let me know if you need more information.
I'm just trying to get a feel for different people's preferences. Would you rather start an untouched youngster, or an untouched adults? It's a big problem where I'm from that nobody works with horses, just tries to sell them.
Somewhat of a long text but I cannot be more excited, figured this was the best place to share my joy. TL;DR at the bottom
I purchased my mare Sailor about a year and a half ago. She is everything I ever wanted but she has some issues. She wouldn't stay straight, her head was always held high to escape the bit, always wanted to rush and was heavy on the bit when being asked to slow up. My trainer is amazing and has given me tons of tips and things to try (such as alternating between a snaffle bit, correction bit, and something with a low port and shank) and slowly she has become straighter, her head has come down, but yet the rushing has not ceased or become better. Sure, we have a few good rides here and there when she was mostly calm, but I would have to continuously have to stay on the bit to keep her maintained.
Another thing to mention is I looked Sailor up on YouTube and found some videos of her being calm and slow at the W/T/C. My trainer knows the woman that owned her before me and several of those horses have left a little crazy.
The other day I asked my trainer if there was something between the correction bit and the slight port. I believe that I should not have to rely on a bit to keep Sailor somewhat controlled because I feel like I have to be too hard on her mouth. She suggested trying something similar to a French link with shanks and a roller.... the change was instant! She was straight, her head stayed down, she responded to the slightest touch of the reins, and best of all? When I set her up to canter, once I set the pace I wanted, I was finally allowed to lower my reining hand and she stayed where she was asked. I have never been able to do this with my horse in all the time I've known her.
I understand that this might be a temporary thing, but just the thought that she can stay calm is just an amazing feeling.
TL;DR horse doesn't want to stay calm at the canter and tries to take off. After trying so many different things, bits, training... I finally had a fantastic ride after using a French link bit for a reining bred horse.
I'm aware how dogs happened. Some more freindly and less shy Wolves would look for humans left overs, bringing them closer to humans, eventually losing there fear of them realising they where sources of food day we starting raising there pups, so all they knew was humans and we got protection they got food win win.
But what about horses, how would humans even get close contact with them? Then how did we get them to let us ride of and then get them to want to live with us etc..?
We just released the episode 08x01 and 02 iTunes RAW in 1080P and 720P
It was a complicated release to do, having had a disk crash during the hiatus and loosing all of our configured tools, I hope everything is OK, if not please send us a message here or via mail (contact at yayponies dot eu)
Here come Tom the mirror list!
And if it fail, here some mirror we doesn't update ourselves (so it could be outdated!)
(Yes, that a lot of mirrors)