advice - stocking up My 16 y/o QH gelding has been stocking up lately. His schedule:
-6 months of the year he has 24 hour turn out when the weather is cool and dry
-6 months of the year he has 12/12 stall/turnout during the wettest, hottest, and most mosquito-prone part of the year.
On mornings when I exercise him, the fluid build-up quickly dissipates. Other wise, it takes a few hours of him being outside. I've got about 2 more months to go until he will be turned out 24/7. His legs and feet are otherwise healthy and sound.
Should I start leaving him out now even with the wet ground and high mosquito pop. (he's fly sprayed regularly and wears a mask during the day)? Any thing other than exercise to help with the stocking up?
Submitted August 27, 2018 at 10:29AM by MuchVariation
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