My horse is lit this Christmas!
Submitted December 23, 2018 at 08:36PM by ShadesOfNeon6
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/a91di3/my_horse_is_lit_this_christmas/?utm_source=ifttt
So in the barn I work at on weekends, the owners have a huuuge middle aged jumper gelding that nobody's ridden in years. Not sure about the specific breed but he was worth a lot of money before he got snipped. This guy has some spark. He's a bit of an asshole but I can tell it's because he needs a job to do.
When I do my morning/ afternoon turnouts I have to leave him in because I'm alone and every time I let him out, he tests the fence and he can clear the 5 foot fences if he wanted to. The last thing I need is a $200k horse getting out or getting hurt when I'm completely alone, have no cell service and have 2 dozen other horses to take care of.
They have a pro rider who comes in and works the horses during the week. I don't know the extent of what he's done with this horse, I know he's always on the work schedule, but I lunged him last week and he was acting like he hasn't run in years.
I've been given permission to work him by the owner when I'm done with my daily chores. Last week we lunged for 30 minutes, this week I'm putting a saddle on him to get him used to the feeling of that weight, and lunging him again. I might have some screws loose but I'm not stupid, there's no way I'll get on him so early, especially because there's nobody around to help if I get kicked off or fall.
I'm sure if I ask the owner, they'd like it if I came in more than once a week to work him. But I have zero experience in the training realm and the only horses I've ever ridden have been docile ones or horses I've known for years. This guy is neither docile nor super familiar with me.
So am I going in the right track? Just slowly easing my way in with this horse? He's been trained, but I'm concerned that my lack of experience coupled with his knack to test me will bite me in the rear someday. Are there any trainers online you'd recommend I watch? Thanks!
Here we are. As 2018 comes to a close, we're left with 2019 to come. (Skip to the bold text if you don't care about sappy backstories)
2019... Feels like it's been a crazy long time already, and I only became a fan in 2014, when season 3 had ended around June. 5 of my most formative years of my life have gone by just like that. I feel like ponies have been around with me for gazillions of my life-altering moments, that one typically goes through growing up. I mean, I've changed like... a LOT since I first started getting into it. Yet somehow, I've loved ponies throughout the whole thing. I mean, I've watched every episode (and EQG) as they've come out since s4 began, with remarkable consistency.
I can't even think about where I was, what I was doing, what I was thinking, or remember anything about who I was and what I was trying to be~5 1/2 years ago before I even went through high school- but somehow, through ponies, I am able to sort of glimpse into my past self in a way. A constant if you will. No matter which way my life has gone, ponies have always been able to apply to my life in a different, fresh, and profound way.
I love rewatching episodes that I gave me a big, memorable reaction the first time I saw it- it takes me back to those vivid moments of excitement from my past, and it's dangerously nostalgic; but, it's also thought provoking to see how my perspective has changed overtime, and about how much has changed in the canon, and in my life, since it came out. The series has changed a LOT itself as well, constantly evolving and taking on new styles, yet I've never been dissapointed.
I don't think I'll ever be able to convince myself that Im not at least a bit of a nutjob for loving this show as much as I do, and seeing as much as I do in it. But I stopped caring a while ago. It's almost time for 2019... and the last season of MLP.
So here were are. Nearing the end of an era- or should I say, airing- the airing of new MLP:FIM episodes that is. As a long time fan, I'm experiencing a feeling deep inside my bones. To pony my heart out. To sing songs, laugh, celebrate, and enjoy MLP while it's still in it's prime, especially with others. And don't get me wrong, I've always been doing those things- but lately I've kicked it into overdrive. Listening to pony music and pony fan music all the time, buying more merch, rewatching episodes and movies on the reg. Ponies on my mind 24/7. Despite living on my own now and being an "adult", I've realized now is my last chance before the series ends, I grow older and mature, and the series and fandom slowly become relics of the past... my last chance to be the biggest, proudest and most enthusiastic dork about ponies that I can possibly be. Our last chance.
So who's with me? The statistics about how the fandom and popularity of MLP have been "decresing"? Buck it. Buck it all! We're all still here because we love My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Many fans may have just been part of a fad, or lost interest as the series went on for whatever reason, but not us. We're the most real fans there are and have ever been, and I'm not about to go down with being LOUD.
Let's hype the hell out of Season 9! Lets hype the hell out of Equestria Girls! Let's talk to each other, have discussions, create art, and make friends together. Lets make new fan creations, support existing creators, and be active online in the world of Pony! Lets go to conventions, theorize, joke, meme, and cherish all of what's coming, and all that we already have.
SO I'M CALLING EVERYONE!!! Whether you're a loyal, long time fan, or a recent one, let's dive in head first and be the biggest fans we can! Let's make it the best year to be a Brony!! WHOS WITH ME??