Gross Question: How to clean a poopy butt in cold weather? So, I have an older mare with hindgut issues. Testing suggests some minor irritation, but no hindgut ulcers (yet.) The problem is she gets a little dribble of poop-water after her normal looking poop and its getting stuck on her butt cheeks and tail.)
I thought she had been cured with probiotics, but apparently not. Of course the problem returned when the weather turned cold! She's currently getting free choice really nice, green orchardgrass hay, Triple Crown senior feed soaked in hot water in the AM and PM, and Smartpak's SmartCombo Senior and SmartDigest Ultra supplements along with Mare Magic. She's pastured 24/7, but has access to a stall in a shedrow style barn whenever she wants. Normally her water comes from the house via a ridiculously long hose, but when it gets this cold it freezes. Right now I have to fill a tank at the house, drive aaaaaall the way through the woods to the pasture and fill the troughs, which promptly freeze. She also has access to a spring-fed creek that never freezes and has tested as having remarkably clean and pristine water. It actually tests better than our tap water did in Florida!
I'm trying to find the best treatment for her, but in the meantime how in the WORLD do I clean her butt? She's pastured and it was about 4.9 F this morning. It'll be almost 60 in a week and the pipes should be thawed enough I can get hot water where the horses are, but I really don't want to leave her like that if I can help it. Ideas?
Submitted January 07, 2018 at 07:53AM by thirdpeppermint
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