Frustrated boarder in general I haven't been able to make it to my barn in nearly 3 months due to a badly broken foot and a disease that causes my bones to heal slowly while decreasing the blood supply and increasing the laxity of my muscles. I found out from a friend (who doesn't board or take lessons at my barn) who was on their Facebook that said we're on quarantine due to equine infectious influenza. None of the boarders were informed through any other means than Facebook and signs posted on the gates.
I'm in a walking boot with exposed toes and mid-foot structures because I can't get any other shoe on my foot than this 5# ball and chain or slippers. It's seriously not safe for me to take a random stroll through the barn with the way things are.
I've explained my situation to the BO several times over the past 10 weeks. He knows that generally my health has been hit and miss. But 1st they were allowing haul ins to work in the front arena and now it's a complete no ins and no outs policy. I literally have no one at the barn whom I even know what their names are or talk to. The BO can be rather aggressive, but he's an owner too and if he were in my situation I think he would be frustrated with the lack of communication too.
It was either the kill buyers or me when I got him 14 years ago and he's seen me through the loss of my grandpa, dad, other grandpa etc etc. I put nearly 200 pounds of weight and muscle on him. I didn't touch his back for nearly 6 months getting him to trust me and training him. For 21 years of my life he was my dream and I had to be able to afford everything for him on my own 1st.
Yeah, I'm tired, I'm whining, I'm frustrated and it's just a generally Grinchy time of year for me. It's tough being cooped up in a house or at another doctors appointment every week.
Submitted November 28, 2018 at 01:04PM by Irish_eyes27
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