miniature horse body language? today was my first day in equine assisted therapy (eagala protocol), and i don't know much about miniature horses and was hoping to get some insight. i know nothing about horses.
basically, i was sent into a huge dirt arena with two miniature horses and told to do whatever i wanted. i brushed them and got acquainted, and then i walked away. they didn't follow. i crouched down and they walked towards me. i basically repeated that pattern for the entire session.
they did things like: 1. one repeatedly lifted his leg and gently put it on my thigh 2. when i was crouched down, they'd usually walk up really close and nudge me 3. one put his head on top of my head and nudged me with him nose
what's that mean?
Submitted August 11, 2018 at 04:20PM by rosewhip96
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