Hey everybody! Hope you're having a fantastic NPT!
Now, those of you that know me know I usually post something in The Fanfic Recommendation Link-Swap Thread just about every Thursday, but today I wanted to do something a little special.
I woulda done it on actual Valentine's Day but I wasn't able to tie it into anything pony-related for the sub until today.
I'll get right to it.
On June 12, 2016 at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida, hate found its way into the heart of a confused young man, and caused the single worst mass killing by one assailant in known history, and one of the most deadly actions taken against the LGBT community in the United States, ever.
But communities rally together, and can show that while hate holds any sway in our world love will be there to fight back every time, and that's why I wanted to take the opportunity today to advertise Love is Love.
Love is Love is a project organized by Marc Andreyko and IDW comics to support the victims of the Pulse shooting and their families.
Love is Love is a touching 144 page comic, a collaboration of dozens of artists, writers, journalists, comedians, actors and more, all adding their voice to a singular effort. It is available in both digital and print versions, and 100% of all proceeds go to the aforementioned people in need.
Not only can you help these victims, but you get something fantastic in return. Love is Love is inspiring, but also funny, sad, horrifying, and joyous. How could it not be with so many voices? I recommend that everyone with the means show their support and get a beautiful read at the same time.
I can't possibly recommend anything more!
But, lest I forget, I still need to recommend some Fanfiction for NPT! (and to make this post pony related cough cough)
Today, in illustration of Love is Love, and in honor of St. Valentine's Day just past, I chose a few fics illustrating just a few of the types of relationships that we love.
The Lavender Letter is a phenomenally written TwiLestia story that shows how relationships change, often for the better. How time changes our perspectives and can give us new insight into how our love for another can become something completely new, while still fondly similar.
The Sun and the Rose is another prosaic fic that has the unique honor (such as it is) of being the only HumanXPony Romance that I like, and I really really love it. It's a fic about love overcoming almost literally anything, from societal boundaries to primal animal instinct.. and a rather good bump to the noggin' among other injuries. And a fantastic adventurous romance evocative of many an old folk tale to boot.
The Colours of Dusk gives us an excellent illustration of an individual being unsure they even can love someone, in the romantic sense anyway. The Colours of Dusk is a beautiful R63 RomCom with wacky hijinks and a sappy ending straight out of a Disney movie.
Sometimes, very very occasionally, that kind of love can even happen between more than two people ponies. Based on a True Story is a fun little RomCom bit of Poly. As a side note, I have some personal experience with polyandry from college, I heartily don't recommend trying it, but for willing and able participants I fully support the desire to try, and Based on a True Story, actually pulls it off really well. It's very much a case of the characters being written so well and so... themselves, something hard to do even in non-shipfics, that you can really see it working for TwiDaShy.
I'm serious, though, even with my caveats I straight up made a new folder called "Actually good Poly" just for this fic. There, that's a better recommendation!
Phew, that's (finally) all folks!
I hope some of you enjoy the fics, and I hope that I managed to get at least a few people interested in Love is Love.
And if I reminded even one person to hold in their heart as absolute certainty that love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love, then I can already call 2017 a massive success.
Thank you, I love you all.
Have a great NPT and a fantastic rest of your week. I'll see you around!