The Climb - Equestrian Edition Round 7 You are Starstreak, former student of Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Though you still keep in contact with her seeing as you both live in Ponyville)
For what it is worth, you've begun to become a part of Twilight's inner circle that isn't just being a student as seen when you are called by the Cutie Map together with Twilight and Fluttershy to end a family feud in the Smokey Mountains. And through a combination of schmoozing, negotiation, begging and outright coercing you manage to end the feud quicker than Twilight had thought (and than in canon) (Gained trait "negotiator"). It is at this point Twilight has begun to consider you a friend, and while the rest of her friends still aren't your friends (yet) you can still feel that you are treated with a aura reserved for friends
The birth of your child, a colt goes smoothly thanks to your insistence on modern practices. While it is still too early to see if he has inherited your magic talent, he's healthy and strong.
Your friends and Arcane appreciate that you are taking some time out of your currently very busy schedule. In fact, one day Coloratura "forgets" a backstage pass for you and Arcane at a café where you met.
And then there was the Castle and what happened inside. You ran after Twilight and saw the unicorn you tried to make friends with earlier. This time there was no hesitation. You immediatly fire a magic bolt at Starlight who counters with a force field. Twilight soon joined in and after a long drawn-out battle devastating the throne room (but somehow not the map) you and Twilight force Starlight to flee into the past where you finally defeat her. This is not the end though as you have to eat a magic bolt in the chest to protect all three of you (the filly RD, Twilight and Starlight) from dying. The last thing that goes through your head before it hits you is "Take care of my child"
When you wake up it's not Luna that meets you, but Princess Celestia. She explains how far you've come (she does that for everyone) and that you have embodied all six aspects of Harmony in the past time. The last kick needed was the sacrifice you made for Twilight and Starlight
Meanwhile, Twilight and Starlight are fighting and they are only just noticing that you transforming into a white ball of light
Back in Magicspace, Celestia is singing a slow song about you. And it ends with the light overwhelming you again and returning with something new that shocks everyone involved. Wings.
Yes, you are now an alicorn with all that implies. But what now?
Next one voting closed in 18 hours, 7:20-ish CEST, September 20
Shorter one this time because I had to think about what to do with all the good rolls you're getting
Negotiator: You're eager to find a solution to a social problem
Socializer: You have a knack for interacting with people
Intelligent: Bookish things come easier to you
Magical Progidy: You are one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria
Socializer: You have a knack for talking with people
Frail: You have to take extra care to not get sick
Married to Arcane Gear
Friends with Coloratura, Derpy Hooves, Time Turner and Amethyst Star
Friends with Twilight Sparkle
Enemies with Camomille
Hooffields and McColts: 78
Your contribution: 87+20(Socializer)
Birth 47(RNG)+25(modern medicine)
Starstreak and Twilight 95(RNG)+20(your base)+30(Twilight) = 145
94(RNG)+25(base)+20(Prepared) = 139
Starlight's reaction: 91
What happens now? 100(!)
Submitted September 19, 2018 at 05:19AM by VoidTemplar2000
via reddit