Cutie Mark Crusaders by Viwrastupr
Submitted February 05, 2017 at 10:42PM by Sparroew
via reddit
Hi Everyone. So my instructor has advised me I am ready for my own horse and I should start looking! (I feel like I have been ready for my own horse for YEARS but have just never had the stability or position in life to buy one until now).
So, I'm going to be meeting a 7y/o 16.2hh Standardbred tomorrow. My instructor won't be coming with me for the first meeting but will be if first impressions go well (he's busy unfortunately but trusts I'll be fine!).
I would just like to know what are some questions I should ask the owner about the horse that is normally not advised unless you've had LOADS of experience buying horses before? I just want to make a good impression, hope the horse's personality gets on with mine and that he is as wonderful as classifield describes him. And I just don't want to miss one single important question.
All advice is welcome. T.I.A!!!!
TL;DR: buying first horse - what are some super important questions I cannot forget to ask.
So a week ago I noticed that my mare was a little off. Nothing terrible but at the trot she was ever so slightly off. There's no heat, no swelling, tenderness that we can tell but she's off.
Since then she has fluctuated between a 1-2 lameness. She almost always appears sound on soft ground (e.g. the freshly dragged arena) but off on concrete or the packed barn aisle.
She is normally in a large run outside and we think she slipped since it has been snowing/melting/muddy. We moved her into a box stall w/ mats and shavings Wednesday, but her lameness hasn't really improved.
Pulled muscle? Abscess? Pulled tendon? Should I just get the vet out or wait a couple more days on strict stall rest?