Equestria's Secret Service: Agents and Anti-Saboteurs So some years ago we were clued in to the existence of Equestria's Secret Service via Bonbon's admittance to Lyra and well that has set some wheels spinning in my head.
The Agents who keep the great monster away from population areas and likely a varying amount of other duties. Buying artifacts off of villains like Dr. Caballeron to return them to the museums if Daring Do fails in her heroism, gathering intelligence on relaying important news to superiors throughout the nation. I can see them dismantling any dangerous Criminal Organizations in Equestria as well.
The Anti-Saboteurs who secretly try to keep foreign nations from completely collapsing, ala the Griffonstone Kingdom . . .Oligarchy. . .whatever the hell it is now, and secretly providing them foodstuffs and opportunities to keep itself afloat until they rebuild and reorganize into a revitalized Civilizations.
I suppose that one could roll in Equestria's diplomatic service into this as well. Prince Blueblood, prick though he is, has proven himself to be a WONDERFUL Diplomat to the Yaks in the comics. Yes shocking again I know.
So that is basically how I envision Equestria's Secret Service at the least. What about the rest of y'all? How do you see these clandestine agents and public servants of the Equestrian Nation? Do you have other ideas?
Submitted April 18, 2019 at 06:15AM by NewWillinium
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/bektz2/equestrias_secret_service_agents_and_antisaboteurs/?utm_source=ifttt