My Little Pony: The Game While there are a few games in existence already for MLP (notably the Gameloft mobile game) there hasn't really been a game released for any of the major platforms or PC.
The closest you might get are indie games like Fighting is Magic, which exists in a kind of shareware limbo since its development was canceled.
This is largely looked at as hasbro wanting to keep a tight leash on the MLP brand and a reluctance to trust a developer with their property. I was actually a little surprised, however, when there was no announcement of a tie in game for MLP the movie. That sort of thing is usually an easy, mindless cash grab and no one really expects quality from such titles. It's not like Hasbro to leave money on the table.
So while it may not be tied to the movie, I do think an MLP game is inevitable. Be it an elaborate platform we, an RPG, or a simple cart racer, Friendship is Magic is a property ripe for game development.
So the question is when?
I think we can expect a FiM game sometime after the series end. Again, it may not be anything elaborate, but once the show is over and it's no longer being relied on to drive toy sales, I think that may be the time when Hasbro will relax their hold on the property and start looking for a partner to make a game.
Sadly I don't think we can expect anything elaborate, but if there is to be an MLP game, when do you think it would happen? What kind of game do you think it would be? How likely do you think it is that it will be well received?
Submitted February 01, 2018 at 07:31AM by TheKnackerman
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