Magic Touch by Lopoddity
Submitted April 25, 2017 at 09:31PM by Sparroew
via reddit
It's not really my first horse. I had horses as a teen. But this will be my first horse of my own as an adult that i will be fully responsible for.
I am SO excited.
I'm going to see a paint mare tomorrow. She seems like a good fit for me. I'm taking my mom with me, she has a lot more experience, and she likes tbe sound of this horse. So if i like the horse, and my mom likes it, I'm probably going to put down a deposit and get a vetcheck done. If possible I want to bring my riding instructor to check her out as well before I fully commit to her.
I know she might not be the right horse. And that's okay. But I've got a good feeling about her.
Also this journey has sparked a spastic and over enthusiastic desire to RESEARCH ALL THE THINGS about horse care. I know how to take care of a horse. I've been doing it for 20 years. There is always more to learn, but i think I've learned what i can from books. I'm beyond the basics of feeding, mucking stalls, grooming, and even riding.
It's why I'm taking up riding lessons. I'm an out of practice intermediate rider and I'd like to get to a more advanced level. I won't be learning on my horse but i like the idea of taking what i learn in my lesson and applying it to my everyday riding.
I know I rambled, but I don't have many horse people in my life and I've been wanting to share my excitement with people who get it. Thanks for reading!
If you've got things for sale, a personal blog, and other horse applicable stuff that will likely be taken as spam in the main forum - this is the safe place for it :)
I was at Walmart today looking at this pathetic skinny horse tied to a post with a buggy on it. I love life, but I swear to God that if I came back as an Amish horse I would probably just try to find a hole to break my leg in or dive in to traffic if there were no kids in the cart. What a miserable existence.
Just had to share with other people that like horses.
So we want to breed our mares to sell the foals - they are beautiful healthy buckskin quarter horses. We've been looking for studs online but their prices are very high for us, 2 through 3 thousand. Local ranchers offer the service for less but they're just regular old horses. Is it more important for the studs paper work and bloodline to be exceptional or just to breed them in general. We've never done this before so I hope I'm making sense.