Budgets and expenses of horse ownership Hey all, I'm in the final phase of planning for owning my first horse. I've been in lessons now and learning and reading everything I can get ahold of. Next step is probably lease or (potentially) adopting a horse because there's one available that really fits my needs that my trainers and the rescue think would also be a good fit. I'm moving slowly on it, working on getting approved to adopt and I'd love to adopt her but 100% want my ducks in a row first and if she's adopted to someone else first, well that's okay.
I've got a substantial savings started for adoption fees/tack and supplies/emergency veterinary incidents/trailering fee to my boarding barn (also my training barn so I can take lessons on her). I was just wondering how much of a savings everyone maintains, specifically for emergencies. Are there any other unforeseen expenses I should know about? I think I have it all planned out but the truest piece of advice I ever got was "the more you learn about horses, the less you know."
I'm boarding for at least the first year but I'm also curious about those of you who have your horses at home. My father in law gifted me some acreage next door to keep a couple of horses on. We are building fence and going to build a run-in while the horse is living at the boarding facility and have a budget set up for those items but I'm also wondering about if those of you who have horses at home have a set-aside emergency budget for fence repairs and such as well. I could probably pay out of pocket for these things as they came up but it would be a whole lot easier to have a savings set aside so we don't have any budget surprises.
Submitted June 05, 2020 at 09:44AM by mom-the-gardener
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/gx6z70/budgets_and_expenses_of_horse_ownership/?utm_source=ifttt