The pretty girl I'm leasing!
Submitted November 22, 2019 at 08:08PM by QuietPothos
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/e0c4ul/the_pretty_girl_im_leasing/?utm_source=ifttt
Children of the night went private thanks to the threat from the FTC to go after creators. Where can be enjoy it? Seriously that is pony history there.
Though i don't think that the FTC even has the legal authority to personally attacker a user on youtube to begin with. They aren't business owners at all. It be illegal and an overreach. Basically the fisheyed sunovagun doesn't know what he was even saying but its gotten a lot of people panicked.
Hey there!
Just wanted to ask if there are also another "Horse Agility"-Maniacs in here :)
We compete in Medium level in the International Horse Agility Club at the moment :)
This was our entry von September.. i couldnt compete in october due to an injured shoulder..