Rapping Rarity by Pabbley
Submitted August 01, 2017 at 08:52PM by Seltonik
via reddit http://ift.tt/2uUy33z
I just found out from my friend with three horses that one had to be put down due to colic. Only 2 1/2 hours after first symptoms!! I'm completely shocked and pretty sad about this because this was the mare I've been learning to ride on. She was sometimes a bit grouchy and sensitive. Well trained, but I don't really know what I'm doing, so I always felt good when it turned out I learned something. It was always good times going there to hang out and spend time with the horses. I just can't believe this happened. And without any warning, and so quickly.
Is this common? It's like there's this terrible horse reaper out there that can just take them with no warning at all and no time to come to terms before they're just gone. I don't know what to say. I felt I should post here since you all would probably understand. Feeling a bit stunned over this.