Gorgoroth 🤘🏻
Submitted March 07, 2019 at 09:44PM by Gorgoroth_the_Black
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/aym8ie/gorgoroth/?utm_source=ifttt
Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of '相対性理論': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.
Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?
The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. Even if you're allergic to using emotes yourself you'll miss a lot of extra context without it.
What some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people. Don't worry there's also a topic so it ain't just "hi!" "hi" awkward silence.
Sprankton is doing a classic Plounge thing, a Pokemon playthrough told via screenshots and captions. You can suggest nicknames for pokemans even, wow audience participation!
Local movie buff OldMan frequently posts movie reviews. They're good, he knows his stuff.
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The top 5 link and self posts, for your browsing content.
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This is the official place to discuss the 75th installment of IDW's ongoing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series. Spoilers within!
My Little Pony celebrates 75 issues of friendship and fun with this double-sized adventure! When a chance purchase leads to a legendary quest for a missing constellation, the ponies reach for the stars and find themselves in the path of their most galactic villain yet… the chaotic Cosmos!
Keep any and all discussion relating to said comic in this thread! Making link submissions (say, from screencaps) is okay, but be sure to mark them as a spoiler and state what issue it is in the title for the benefit of those who might be behind!
Additionally, keep any discussion on recent entries in the Nightmare Knights series to its own thread (or spoiler it, assuming it relates to this discussion somehow)
(Want to get into the comics? Get 'em via IDW, Amazon, or eBay for physical copies, and Comixology, iTunes, Amazon Kindle, or Yayponies for digital copies!)
Thanks to RainbowDashShellBash for compiling this information!
This is a weekly event coinciding (mostly) with NPT; off-topic and meta threads will be staggered so this week's off-topic thread is being submitted now and the meta thread was posted 12 hours ago. Next NPT will be the opposite! We do not ask that all off-topic discussion be kept to this submission; it is merely here as a courtesy and you are free to continue off-topic discussion in the comments of other submissions (off-topic submissions, however, are still a no-no). What is your favorite television network? Have fun!
(My scar pony)
Hopefully that title was vague enough.
So if your here you should know all about King Sombra's return! If you difn't Know about that already, well congratulations, you know now!
So mainly what I want to discuss is how? How do you think King Sombra was able to return after six seasons?
Is it lie in the comics, where his horn survives his destruction and his body slowly reformed from this shard?
Was he perhaps revived by another villain, One who will become more important later in the season? If so, who is the most likely culprit? Queen Chrysals? (Every Wueen deserves a King after all.) Cozy Glow? (She certainly seems to have had an interest in magic and defeated enemies of Equestria) Or maybe some new villain we haven't even seen yet!
Do you think there is any truth to the rumored connection to Grogar, the Gen 1 villain whose Plotline most resembled King Sombra and the Crystal empires in their debut appearance?
Could it be a rogue Changeling in disguise? (again, looking at you Chrysalis). An old trap spell King Sombra himself left behind before his demise? (he was awfully fond of those.) A Sombra from an alternate universe/timeline? (Those do exist, in the comics at least.) Could this 'King Sombra' really be the Pony of Shadows returned in a new form? Or maybe this is just the latest in a long line of Discord's deadly seeming pranks meant to teach the girls a valuable lesson?
Honestly the possibilities are limitless, but what do you think the most likely explaination is?
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The floofier the merrier!
So I realized that we will be in the middle of the Hiatus for a while and so a thought occurred to me. Some of the highlights of watching the episodes from Season 8 as they premiered was reacting and discussing the episodes with y'all in real time. We starting Season 7 today.
So following up on yesterday's thread,is the Season 7 Episode 2 "All Bottled Up" and Episode 3 "A Flurry of Emotions" . So go watch via whatever means you can and come back to discuss this early episode below.
And here is a link to the is the Season 7 premiere "Celestial Advice" discussion from yesterday if you want to chime in and discuss the precious episodes in case you missed the previous threads.
No really. Y'all are more then welcome to add/contribute to the previous discussions. Really.
. . . Also a small thought but. . .do y'all think I should make a master list thread for each season so that people can more easily go through and find an episode they want to discuss? We have done a LOT of these right now and I imagine that it would be bothersome to just go ALLLLLLL the way back through these threads in order to get there.
After my rather heavy thread I just posted I figure that I might as well ask what some of y'alls favorite stand out episodes are.
Personally I ADORE "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils". Not only does it have some of the best writing in the series, the point of view of Sweetie Belle is awesome as is how good of a sister Rarity is, but it holds a double lesson for both little kids and their older siblings. What can I say? It is my favorite Sweetie Belle and Rarity episode.
So we all know about Alicorns by this point right? Big winged and horned ponies with the magic of all three main pony tribes that tend to rule over the land and embody some concept or have the powers over a celestial body?
We've learned quite a bit about Alicorns in the story and other canon side content. We know about our two dear Twin Sisters, Celestia and Luna, who were raised by other alicorns and then later on Starswirl who taught them, we have Princess Cadence and Twilight who were MADE Alicorns rather then born as one and then we have Flurry Heart who was born as one and seems to have some kind of tie to the Crystal Heart.
We have some miscellaneous Alicorns as well in the series: Rainbow Dash says that the "Good Fortune Garnet was given to the founders of Cloudsdale by a mysterious and powerful Alicorn", and that the Crystal Empire itself is littered with symbols of Alicorns and used to be ruled by Princess Amore, Cadence's distant ancestor. We also have the Love Potion Alicorn that may or may not be from the Crystal Empire line of princesses.
So there are a lot of unicorns that we know nothing about that have clearly either passed away or disappeared from existence. To the point that Celestia and Luna, two born alicorns themselves, were shocked by Flurry Heart's birth. So at this point I have to question . . what gives right? There is CLEARLY a difference between those Alicorns who are born, and seem immune to the ravages of time, and those who are made. None of them are immortal but they do seem to be eternal right? There is SOME distinction to be made here. So I ask y'all. . . What do you think is the major difference between Aliicorns and Alicorns? And what happened to the rest of the Alicorns in Equestria?
food water cleaning everything grooming, removing sweat/mud/dirt, etc..from horses, foot care, blankets, fly masks etc. turn in turn out. Making sure they don't overeat and the grass stays good quality walk the pastures (also making sure there's no toxic planets) + mucking riding + exercising horse sheering bathing / spot baths. making sure they're enough shine in their coats flea/tick prevention farrier vet
In April 2011, a wedding was held for a prince of Britain and his girlfriend, and Cadance and Shining and their wedding appeared nearly a year later.
Sometimes I wonder whether was the Canterlot Royal Wedding influenced by William and Kate's wedding or not.
So . . .how do I start this? The redeeming of villains has been a divisive line in the fandom for a while now with many people hating that Starlight Glimmer was redeemed so quickly, that character's like Discord didn't deserve redemption, or that too many former villains had been redeemed into heroes and though I disagree with basically all of this there are some fair points to be made about how some redemptions were rushed or "finished" too soon. At this point however is the major point that I want to refute.
There is no such thing as an instant redemption. Redemption is not just something you can get or be declared. Redemption is not something that you can earn. Redemption is a constant work of struggling to improve yourself and be a better person. And what we get in the show is not redemption. What we get is a couple of characters being given a second chance, or in Discord's case. . .33 I think, and opening themselves up to trying to be a better person through the power of Friendship. Let's look at these evolutions shall we?
Nightmare Moon was a despot who kidnapped Princess Celestia, created an Eternal Night(that lasted like a single night) and nearly gored and murdered the Mane 6. However she is instantly accepted and forgiven by everypony. The only "redemption" she gets is when she literally flagellates herself every night with nightmares from a creature she created called the Tantabus. This is shown to be incredibly unhealthy and unnecessary.
Trixie. . .is perhaps the biggest "non redemption" story. She began as a boastful magician who tried to defend Ponyville from the Ursa Minor that Snips and Snails brought into town only to have her cart be destroyed and get laughed out of town. We see her later on when she get's the Alicorn amulet and takes over Ponyville only to be forgiven by Twilight, except not really . . .Twilight held a slight grudge over the years, and we see her years later (both in and out of the show) returning to Ponyville where we see her being ostrichsized and taunted by ponies who just look at her do to her reputation. She is there on a "Apology Tour" and ends up becoming best friends with Starlight Glimmer. Some minor conflict and then she selflessly helps save Equestria along side Starlight, Discord, and Thorax. Of all of the "redeemed" characters she is the one least qualifying for the category.
Next up is Discord the character whose "redemption" perhaps had the biggest and longest arc in the show. This mad Draconequus first showed up in Season 2 as an antagonist force that came to wreck Equestria after being freed from his imprisonment before being defeated by the Elements of Harmony. Come Season 3 and Princess Celestia decides that Twilight and her friends should try to redeem Discord so that he could use his magic for the greater good of Equestria. The girls agree and set out trying to redeem him. . .and none of it works except for when Fluttershy tries to, not to "redeem him" but, actually befriend Discord. Discord ultimately stops his tricks and malevolence because he has actually grown to CARE for Fluttershy. Though this is often declared as the point where he is redeemed we see throughout the seasons, all the way to the Season 6's finale that he still has a lot to grow as a person before one could consider him "redeemed". But that's just it. . .he doesn't change out of some desire to be redeemed. He changes because he is treated as a friend even when he betrayed and hurt his friends in the Season 4 finale. After this finale he slowly, slowly, opens up and becomes genuine friends with the rest of the Mane 6 as well as Spike and Big Macintosh. He grows more mischievous rather then malevolent and he too goes to save the day alongside Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax even without his reality warping powers. Now as a character with such a time scale Discord still has a LOT to learn and acclimate to treating people as people rather then toys that he can break and throw away.
Starlight Glimmer. . . Starlight Glimmer is perhaps THE most controversial character in this show. Not because people don't like her. But because people believe that she was not only better as a Villain but more interesting as a possible rival for Twilight as somepony who could match her wit for wit and power for power. Frankly however? . .I love Starlight Glimmer. So we first meet this pony in the Season 5 premiere where we see her as the Alderman in charge of her village where everypony has an equality cutie mark and it is revealed that they all had their cutie marks removed willingly because their cutie marks gave them trouble in the past one way or another. However her control over the town, her make believe safe place, when the Mane 6 walk into town on a friendship mission from the Cutie Mark Table. Long story short we learn that not only did Starlight lie about getting rid of her own Cutie Mark, but she tries convert Twilight to her cause as well. When this fails and Twilight reveals her charade instead of listening to Twilight and being instantly forgiven Starlight is ENRAGED, perhaps the angriest character we ever saw in the show, and flees into the tunnels beneath the caverns after being chased down by her friends in the village.
We don't see her for an entire season, except for spying on Twilight in the background of a couple of episodes, until the Season finale where she ambushes Twilight Sparkle and gets back at the Princess by making sure that she and the Mane 6 never became friends and thus unknowingly showing Twilight into worse, and worse, and worse alternative Equestrias where things get more and more hopeless. She is shown to be the absolute best villain we ever got in the show. Twilight eventually drags Starlight into one of the Alternative Equestrias and shows her rival just WHY she and her friends need to be friends, that THIS is the result of her actions in the past, and Starlight unbelieving that ONE group of friends could be so important shows Twilight just why she hates Cutie Marks and why she created her village. When she was young her best, and only, friend Starburst received his cutie mark in magic and ended up moving to Canterlot to attend Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns leaving her all alone in her village. This abandonment ate at her, boiled, and festered until she hated the very idea of cutie marks and decided to play pretend with a village full of friends whose cutie marks will never make them leave her.
Twilight sympathises with Starlight and offers her a hoof in friendship. Starlight Glimmer tearfully takes Twilight's hoof in friendship and they both arrive back in their Equestria. Twilight discusses what happened with her friends and all of them decide to give Starlight a second chance. Not to redeem herself. . but to learn about friendship. We see a montage of her acclimating to the Mane 6 and eventually heading back to her village to get down on her hooves and knees to apologize to her friends. . .and she is immediately accepted. They weren't angry that she betrayed them. She only hurt them by lying to them. And they forgave her. This begins Starlight's tutelage under Twilight as her pupil. Cut to Season 6 where Starlight's first official Friendship lesson is to make up with the friend that caused her complexes in the first place. . .Sunburst who is living in the Crystal Empire. Things go incredibly awkward as they both lie to each other about how they have been and what they had been up to in their lives, Sunburst apparently no recognizing her at first, but eventually Starlight manages to encourage the "Master Wizard" into using his knowledge to help save the Crystal Empire and restore the Crystal Heart. Twilight learns that Starlight works best when not working from a heavily stringent list and learns well on her own. She also learns to open up and celebrate the holidays with her friends. Her next Friendship lesson that we see, "Every Little Thing She Does", has her spar with Twilight and eventually Twilight leaves to Canterlot and gives her a task to spend the day with Twilight's friends. Starlight freaks out in her own, very Twilight way, and ends up mind controlling the rest of the Mane 6 and ends up setting the Castle basically on fire. Twilight demands that she explain what is going on and Starlight apologizes to her and the rest of the Mane 6, who are nursing HEAVY hangovers, who though grumpy end up forgiving her as they montage and do what she was supposed to do with them in the first place. She is one of the first ponies to accept Thorax for who, and what, he is during Spike's little diddy right behind Twilight. And finally we see her have night terrors regarding seeing her old friends again at the Village and even running away in fear and shame, with the help of Trixie, when she arrives there and they ask her to lead them again. She heads back home with Trixie and so leads up the events of Starlight leading this group of former villains to save all of Equestria all without their magic. She is forced to take the leadership role of the group and ends up saving the day when she tells Thorax to SHARE his love while it is being drained by Chrysalis. This leads to his transformation and the rest of the Changelings following suit when they see that he is sated and no longer starving. After all this what does Starlight do?. . . . She sympathises with Chrysalis and offers her her hoof in friendship. She gives Chrysalis the same chance that was given to Discord and herself only to be rejected. Starlight had learned the lessons of empathy that Twilight herself had learned and so the next episode has to do with her "graduating" from being Twilight's pupil, even if both of them admit that neither of them are ready for Starlight to move out of Ponyville or leave the castle.
Y'all notice something there right? Twilight never set out to "redeem" Starlight. That was never the goal. She wanted to show Starlight that friendships were worth having, that it was WORTH opening your heart up to others, and Starlight took to these lessons like fish to water. Starlight is NOT redeemed, nothing can redeem you instantly or otherwise, but Starlight is a changed character. She has grown.
One can say the same thing for Sunset Shimmer but she had to WORK to earn the forgiveness of the school. Turns out that Humans are less forgiving then Equestrian Society but even despite that when everybody saw her as she used to be all it took was a little bit of empathy on Trixie's part for the two of them to become friends and better people. Sunset Shimmer forgives Wallflower Blush, just as she did Sci-Twi and Juniper Montage, and offers her hand in friendship rather then taking revenge or punishing the girl. It would be damned hypocritical if she hadn't, this is even pointed out by Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer themselves.
Tempest Shadow, or Fizziepop Berrytwist, is forgiven for her efforts in taking control of Equestria, capturing the Princesses, and chasing Twilight across the barren ends of the world and she too is offered a hoof in friendship after Twilight saves her life despite everything she had done.
So if I had to do a tldr, I will never understand why that is a thing, I would say that the gist of my message is this regarding the show. clears throat
There is no such thing as a instant redemption. Nor is redemption a status that can be given to you. Redemption is something that you strive for, an ideal to live up to, and each and every one of these examples have made mistakes in their pasts r some kind of hardship that led them to conflict with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. After fierce battles Twilight would offer them forgiveness, kindness, and an open hoof in friendship that each of them takes and strive to learn and be better. To be better friends. To be better people. They are not redeemed. For there is no such thing as redemption. There is only learning empathy and being better people. Which ALL of these characters have done over the course of the show/movies.
I greatly understand that this is a controversial topic so. . . .dig in I guess. This is basically my full opinion, typed out at 3 AM because I am an awful awful procrastinator, so forgive me if my thought seem to be a bit wild. I look forward to questions on my view and your own reasonings below so long as it is not just bile or bad faith criticism.
Look I'll have a few more threads made up later today but I am tired and want to go to bed now.
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
>!It has ponies!!<
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread that will be up at noon Pacific time!!!!