getting back on after an accident so about three months ago i was doing 4 low-ish jumps about a canter stride away from eachother. everything was going fine until my horse stopped at the second (i think?) jump and i fell, hitting my neck. i wasn't really phased since falling's normal, so i got back on, which is when shit really hit the fan. my horse stoped at the same place (i realize it's most likely my fault oof) and i fell, breaking my arm. it was a pretty serious break which involved surgery, but i've been back to visit my horse a couple times now since i know it's in no way him trying to be a bad horse and i'm not really scared of the horse himself.
fast forward to now: my doctor just gave me the go-ahead to ride again. i thought i'd be excited, but in terrified. like absolutely terrified. my stomach feels like it's in my throat and my heart hasn't stopped pounding now for the past fifteen min. every time i see someone jumping, wether it be in real life or in a video, i get nervous. i know that i have to start out slow but is there any other tips you guys have?
there's also the problem of my instructor. she's pretty decent on the ground but often makes me panic on the horse and degrades my riding skills (not in a constructive way, more in a 'you don't know what the fuck you're doing you suck at this' way). i can't change instructors since she's the only one there is on week days.
basically i'm really, really scared and i desperately need help with this because i don't want to stop riding because of this since i really love it aaa.
Submitted May 29, 2018 at 11:53AM by ratzo_
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