Feeling Overwhelmed - Changing Hoof Dressing We have mini horses. Yesterday, one of ours (Baby) had a really screwed-up looking front leg/hoof; I had fed them at noon and she was fine; several hours later she couldn't walk on it. We were terrified she had broken her leg. We got the vet out for a farm visit. The vet diagnosis was an abscess (or maybe "broken" coffin bone.) The vet carved the hell out of her hoof, (without finding an abscess.) Then wrapped it in layers of an Epsom salt pad, gauze, bandages, and stuff. I had the presence of mind to ask that he sell me the various dressings, so I have some to reapply.
While treating Baby/my husband was holding her (she was rearing up the whole time) and then she reared up and kinda' fell out the stall door and to the sideline where there was electric wire/t-posts. ...my husband was thrown against a t-post and ended up on top of Baby. (At this point the vet had not drugged her because he was trying to determine where the issue was leg, hoof, etc.) Baby then lunged up from underneath and took my husband for a a ride; he was kinda' crosswise on her back/butt; geez, he's 175; she's maybe 300 lb. ...and her stupid hoof was supposed to be hurt!
Anyway, the vet couldn't find an abscess. He wrapped her hoof with like 4 layers of various bandages. He said to call; (next step is radiology of her hoof) And give her some Bute after the drugs wore off and change her hoof dressing in 24 to 48 hrs.
Our peaceful little goob has decided that I'm demon spawn. I used to be able to just walk up to her on pasture (no halter) and pick her hooves or squirt dewormer in the side of her mouth. This morning, trying to give her Bute (in applesauce) she got so freaked out that instead of squirting it in her mouth, I dumped it in my hand and smeared it and got her to lick what I could.
So I have to change her hoof stuff/dressings tomorrow; my mellow little girl is not so mellow now. I kind of saw how the vet wrapped her hoof; I think I might be able to emulate that. But, I'm worried because of her new behavior. My husband can't stay home from work another day (and I really don't want him hurt) so I'm going to try this on my own. Kinda' scared though.
TLDR: Sorry, too long. Just worried.
Submitted September 14, 2018 at 12:59AM by AngBeer
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/9fpuei/feeling_overwhelmed_changing_hoof_dressing/?utm_source=ifttt