Love my big red boy.
Submitted May 11, 2017 at 12:03AM by angelamej
via reddit
Just a reminder to everyone out there, make sure your Haynets are out of reach from your ever so smart ponied and horses. Mine got tangled up in a 100lb bale in a net this weekend.. Just cuts and bruises, but she ended up exhausted, stressed and on the WRONG SIDE of my fence (new name ms. Houdini)
(For obvious reasons this is a throwaway)
A friend of my mum's is threatening to have her horses shot dead - and they are perfectly healthy, she just can't be bothered to look after them.
My mum was shocked by this and has told me she would press charges against her - but I'm not sure what the laws are on this - does anyone know if this is legal or not or if she will be able to pull this off?
Thanks in advance.