Falling off a horse in Guyana!
Submitted November 21, 2018 at 10:54PM by Global_Shenanigans
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/9zbdfm/falling_off_a_horse_in_guyana/?utm_source=ifttt
This is the official place to discuss the 2nd installment of IDW's ongoing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series. Spoilers within!
Princess Luna assembles her team of ne'er-do-wells: Capper, Tempest Shadow, Trixie, and Stygian! Will they all be able to work together and find a way into the most dangerous place any of them have ever been?
Keep any and all discussion relating to said comic in this thread! Making link submissions (say, from screencaps) is okay, but be sure to mark them as a spoiler and state what issue it is in the title for the benefit of those who might be behind!
(Want to get into the comics? Get 'em via IDW, Amazon, or eBay for physical copies, and Comixology, iTunes, Amazon Kindle, or Yayponies for digital copies!)
Thanks to RainbowDashShellBash for compiling this information!
Positive psychology is the field of psychology that tries to understand what characteristics and habits lead to good mental health, as opposed to trying to classify and understand mental disorders. Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson are a pair of positive psychologists that wanted to better classify what characteristics lead to a happy healthy life. Their work aimed to figure out a set of "core" virtues that are recognized and admired by most, if not all, cultures, and lead to a healthy, fulfilling life when cultivated and practiced. The core virtues they discovered are Love of learning, courage, humanity, transcendence, temperance, and justice, along with 24 sub virtues that fall under the core 6.
Each of the mane six is a near perfect example of each of the core virtues and are deficient in at least one other. Twilight represents the love of learning, but at the beginning of the show lacks justice and humanity (equinity?). rainbow dash represents courage but lacks humanity as well, pinkie pie represents transcendence but lacks temperance etc. The main six are all foils of each other, each representing a virtue that one or more of the others are deficient in. Over the course of the show their friendship with each other helps each of them to cultivate the virtues they lack to become better people. This character dynamic is one of the things that make the show so good, each of the characters is admirable because of there virtue, but also relatable because of there flaws, and when they are all together they make a perfect team able to overcome any obstacle. I wonder if this was at all intentional, If Lauren Faust read positive psychology research to try to create characters and convey lessons that would help improve the wellbeing of her audience, and if the concept of the "elements of harmony" was intentionally created as an in-universe kid-friendly equivalent of the character strengths and virtues. Since kids might not fully understand words like "transcendence", "temperance" or "justice" it would make sense to use simpler analogs like "laughter" and "honesty" instead, or it might just be a coincidence.
I've been wanting to make write this post for years but never got around to it, If you managed to read my entire rambling what do you all think?
One of my girls injured a leg when she was younger, and now that she's older she's starting to show some stiffness. I'm looking for something that works well but isn't ridiculously expensive. She's pretty willing to eat anything, so I'm not super worried about palatability.
At 0358am, during a thunderstorm, this beautiful girl was born.
She was walking within 18 minutes, feeding within 30. Couldn't be happier with her so far!
Here she is at about 4 or 5 hours old. http://imgur.com/a/XcpcJrp
Other than COTH and this subreddit, where do you spend your time online for horse-related content? Back in the day I used to utilize "equestrian" on LiveJournal and before that, the HorseCity forums...I'd love an active forum to browse so I'm open to suggestions. I'm also open to Facebook group suggestions, or general websites that you like to get your news and knowledge from. I'm not particularly picky about it pertaining to a specific discipline. :)
Thanks for the suggestions!
(I did do a search and found a couple threads from a couple years ago ... wondering if there's anything new that I might be unaware of that hasn't been touched on in the past.)