What is it about the later seasons? I've never understood people who say the later episodes are the best. Yeah, there are some great episodes, and good ones too, but the number of episodes per season I consider bad or average has definitely increased for me. I think there's been more episodes with cringey-writing (predictable plots/middle act idiot plots/rushed resolutions). More bad morals. And in the last few seasons more forgettable music.
But more so, and (even) more subjectively, the flavor of MLP has changed over the years for me, from the strange attraction at the beginning, to my feeling that something's "off" once Twilight gets her castle. I feel like each of the first four seasons had their own "feel" to it, and than season 5-8 felt like . . . post-season 4? I can't even put my finger on my feelings, and I'm not even sure if it's just in my head and how I think about the show. Am I just judging the plots differently?
For the record, my mom also thinks the writing since season 5 has been poorer so it's not just me. But on this board a lot of people are like "seasons 6 and 7 have been FANTASTIC!"
Did I just approach the show differently after four seasons? Did the eleven month hiatus between seasons 4 and 5 leave me both like a grizzled veteran and a hyped up old fan with high expectations and rose colored glasses? Does Ponyville just feel different to me now that the treehouse is gone, even when the episode is set in Appleloosa? Or is there something genuinely different about season 5 onward that's bothering me? I feel like it's in the writing itself, the writers have been changed out over the seasons, but I can't put my finger on what I think is different about the show.
Submitted January 24, 2019 at 05:28AM by Crocoshark
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