Sunset Shimmer and the Army of the Goodest boys. So I've been wondering for a little while about Sunset Shimmer's plan to make an army of zombie students to go back through the portal and attack Equestria. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through to recruit an untrained and mindless fighting force. Even if she had gone back through the portal with her army chances were stacked against her prevailing against the Princesses and the Royal Guards.
She had years to prepare but that was her best idea?
Then it occurred to me, the zombie students would just be zombie ponies when they went back through, with no experience with being in pony forms and no knowledge of how to fly or use magic.
But there is a readily available source of troops that's a Sunset could have trained. No magic would have been required to win their loyalty, just a box of treats. Best of all, they wouldn't just be ponies upon crossing over to Equestria... instead they would be dragons.
Imagine if instead of the somewhat convoluted scheme Sunset dreamed up, which relied heavily on chance, Sunset had instead trained a squadron of attack dogs to do her bidding. While it's true the doggies might not have been used to their giant bodies in Equestria, they would be loyal and thinking creatures with the instincts to defend their master and attack their chosen prey.
I gotta admit, there is no proof dogs turn into dragons like how Spike turned into a dog when crossing through the portal, but I think it would be hilarious if it were so.
Likewise I think dragons trained like attack dogs would be an incredibly formidable and destructive force and I kind of hope someone in the Equestria Girls universe thinks of that in the future if it turns out it's possible.
Submitted November 15, 2018 at 07:50AM by TheKnackerman
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