Official MLP:FIM Comic #76 Discussion Thread This is the official place to discuss the 76th installment of IDW's ongoing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series. Spoilers within!
Have a preview!
The search for the missing stars of the Andalusian constellation continues! With Pinkie Pie, Big Mac, Zecora, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders on the case, this expedition's in the bag! …Right?! Things aren't always what they seem in this thrilling new adventure featuring your favorite ponies and Equestria's biggest villain yet—Cosmos!
Keep any and all discussion relating to said comic in this thread! Making link submissions (say, from screencaps) is okay, but be sure to mark them as a spoiler and state what issue it is in the title for the benefit of those who might be behind!
Additionally, keep any discussion on recent entries in the Nightmare Knights series to its own thread (or spoiler it, assuming it relates to this discussion somehow)
(Want to get into the comics? Get 'em via IDW, Amazon, or eBay for physical copies, and Comixology, iTunes, Amazon Kindle, or Yayponies for digital copies!)
Thanks to RainbowDashShellBash for compiling this information!
Submitted March 20, 2019 at 11:42PM by Pinkie_Pie
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