Super stoked, seeking my very first trail partner! Super excited! I am working for board plus extra income to cover expenses of this exciting project/lifestyle! Casually seeking a trail riding/all around/fun to train and build a bond with equine partner! I was wondering about insight on what to look for and what makes a good trail riding horse. Also some equipment ideas I should be prepared to look at purchasing (such as hoof protection). I do wish to ride bitless with a bareback pad for a few reasons (but please don't attack me for it), so any insight around doing that is appreciated. Breed wise my first love was the Appaloosa and I hear they make good trail horses, but they are a bit rare to come by in my lower desired purchasing budget here in the Lower Mainland, BC. Looking at rescue as an option due to budget and no desire or need for a show horse or competitor. I'm so super excited! Talk to me about it?
Submitted October 17, 2018 at 06:56PM by bigol_pupper
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