Human!Rarity by Kilalaaa
Submitted April 03, 2017 at 10:06PM by Sparroew
via reddit
im going to make a little thread here for my thoughts while watching i made a deal with someone on this reddit that if they read worm i would watch MLP so by Skitter here i go! sorry for any rambling or anything that may be seen as a little hostile to the show these are my honest thought As i watch it.
episode: Season 1 episode 11 "Winter Wrap Up"
little bit about me: im a 19 year old male metalhead (anything from Dio to Carach Angren) so not a likely candidate for MLP :P
Initial thoughts before watching: ive Heard of MLP, before mostly those hardcore bonies (are they still a thing? the dudes who collect ALL the toys and whatnot?) i kind of expect this to be overly cutesy with annoying voice actors and over the top colors aka: an obscure form of torture.
starting of episode thoughts: the art is pretty good spike is a cool little dude "spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep"
theme song thoughts: sounds alright but it wont get a spot on my ipod
rest of episode thoughts: spike is a lazy little bastard and for that i love him ....they really say stuff like "everypony"..(>ლ) song SONGS REALLY! (>ლ). as someone who has a pet rabbit THEY AINT THAT NICE, if you put your pony head near my rabbit it would bite! are they growing oats? ponies like oats right? OK so the song is growing on me "winter wrap up" its still not fantastic but it is kinda wholesome. Naps with spike! wow are those birds lazy! letting ponies make their nests for them! NAILED IT! perfect nest there purple one! Spike bringing the truth! okay the pink one is a little annoying aww waking all the animals how nice! the animation is extremely cute but not over the top what are snakes doing in a warren? nice avalanche twilight wait who is the huge red one is that a horse?! yay super organization skills! did she make the bird scream with a cruciatus curse? every pony! (>ლ)
ending thoughts: its not as bad as i thought the animation is good it has some fun jokes, its very wholesome, it had some cool moments and aside aside from the pink one the voices were not annoying SPIKE RULES!
however its major drawbacks are being very childish and simplistic (as expected), also no major conflict the problems that arose were tiny!( again its what you expect)
overall i now understand why some people like it but its not my cup of tea ...maybe someday when i just want something innocent and cutesy i will watch another episode
p.s. some questions i have they talk about having magic and doing things the "earth pony way" is their world above part of or separate to ours? has the purple one got super strong magic or something?
That's normal right?