Equestrian morning - Tack up and horse riding
Submitted March 30, 2018 at 12:40AM by katoosa
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/888fn7/equestrian_morning_tack_up_and_horse_riding/?utm_source=ifttt
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Hi guys I'm not sure if I should post here or not but I need your advice. I recently started riding again and found a pretty good barn to ride at! The horses are great and my instructor is someone I can see myself growing with. But her working student is kind of passive aggressive and not sure how to deal with her. I've just been using "Kill them with kindness motto." And the other thing I will mention is, my lesson horse is an OTTB he's great under saddle but when I'm grooming him he moves A LOT and they tell me to tie him loose too. Also he will pick up his back feet but only after a fight it makes me feel unsafe sometimes. Not sure what to do. Any advice would be great!
So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (March 29th, 2018) today, you know what that means...
It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!
Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):
Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.
Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.
Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!
PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget.
IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on Fimfiction.net. All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.
Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!
Thesis: The World outside of Equestria has not been a part of any level of the Equestrian Education System under the EAA, due to a centuries of prosperous self-sustainability.
I've taken that Equestria has been as such a sugar-sweet fluffy borderline utopia for centuries. Really a lot of evidence suggest that their society is very progressive and quality of life overall is very comfortable...
for ponies.
I imagine those with power among this blissful and stable society have derived their long kept comfort is due to a deep rooted and well-tended foreign policy of isolationism.
It's not a malicious isolationism per say. It's more so it appears that the world outside of Equestria is simply not part of Equestria's education curriculum, as it's been deemed not necessary.
A lot of evidence speaks to this. Evidence that infers there is a common lack of knowledge of races outside of pony kind.
We have a few noted points of international relations, such as the Equestria Games, but then we have points that lead to Equestria's population as a whole is incredibly out of touch with the rest of the world.
Twilight, BookHorse McPurpleSmart, had completely incorrect information in her library on the current state of Griffonstone.
Dragon's are a complete enigma other than being "Big, scary, and greedy."
Zebras are still mostly a mystery!
There was zero consideration for a buffalo migration on the ?frontiers? of Equestria's southern border. That very episode it shows the settlement wasn't a malicious act, but one of clumsy ignorance, one that the naturally agreeable nature of ponies relatively quickly got over and resolved.
You could chalk this up to Equestria just being ignorant because that makes exposition of new races easy, but what if failure to teach ponies about the world outside of Equestria is an intentional act by those in a position of power in Equestria's education system...
A school for ponies to better protect /themselves/.
What do you gain by not teaching about the outside world?
You get a population content with what they have in their own borders, and no one voicing real concern about atrocities and poverty outside of them.
Economic crisis, natural disasters, war mongering conquerors? These are not concerns of the Equestrian citizens as they hardly have any knowledge of these other places beyond, maybe at best, they exist, and arbitrary notes of historical conflict in the context of ponies. You have a content populace.
On an economic level, when you are the most comfortable and self-sustainable nation on the planet, there is no reason to extend contact to those that can risk being a drain on your nation. There is nothing to immediately gain out of that deal.
Let them suffer. We are comfortable.
You don't even need a standing army if your nation is lead by someone with a sort of celestial MAD contingency.
Not that Celestia would ever use it, but only a few types of factions would try to conquer a nation with a SOLAR MAD back up plan.
Ones that don't need the sun to live (Love Fed Changlings underground) and ones that have a plan to seize control of the sun for themselves (The Storm King).
Now lets consider the Chess Master Celestia angle from School Daze.
A thousand years of stoic isolationism and tradition, now she's suddenly emboldened by the return of her sister and the potential power from her trust in Twilight and her friendship-driven methods.
Celestia doesn't approve of the fact that her subjects are not taught about other nations and her centuries old wisdom can see the long term gain from a more global policy can ultimately prove to be better for everyone involved.
Celestia too closely knitted into the establishment to take risks. A heavy hooved rule or action could easily be spun into an act of tyranny by detractors, so she subtly works through multi-time national hero Princess Twilight Sparkle to garner support for these radical new ideals.
Celestia suggested Twi to the EAA, knowing that it wouldn't be compatible with Twilight's ultimate goals between her and her friends. She set the pieces in place to put a crack in a century old education system, and perhaps start a new era of globalization.
That's why she's the best princess.
For my birthday on the 28th my mother booked me in for a half hour riding lesson, I've never been on horseback before but good lord was it exciting. Never truly understood the power of a horse until I was up in that saddle, even if the lesson was basic control and movement. Will definitely have to book myself some more tuition soon!
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
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But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
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I'm a student who works at a barn that recently received a horse that was suffering from lice and malnourishment. It's recovering, but I haven't been able to track down the previous owner since it landed at the local SPCA.
It has a brand on the left hip, either a rocking p connected with t or a rocking p connected with a plus. I've searched through several state databases, but haven't identified a brand that fits the description. Can anyone here help?
Or at least I think it might be. Here's why...
The handling of the reveal in the season 8 premiere was very "As You Know Bob", with the Mane 7 gathered around the Cutie Map and marveling at how 'it had changed since they were away'.
The problem is that the episode immediately preceding this was actually kind of a big deal, introducing seven new legendary characters to the series. While I'm sure those loose ends will be explored either in later episodes or in the comics that specifically tie into them, to immediately gloss over and ignore those events in favor of 'oh look the movie just happened off screen' feels naritively dissonant.
It's exactly what I would expect from a bad movie tie in.
"So the handling could have been better, so what?" you might say, and that's fair enough. MLP has bungled other choices that were otherwise popular with fans before now. It's nothing compared to the value gained from introducing the movie characters to the main series.
And I'd agree with you except there are no movie characters being introduced to the main series. Tempest Shadow is mentioned (notably by her assumed name and not her real name) as being on a pilgrimage to spread the magic of friendship, but she doesn't appear in the show. Klugetown and the airpirates are mentioned, but nothing about Capper or Celaeno.
To top it off neither of the Hippogriff/Seapony characters we are introduced to at the Friendship School are characters from the movie. I'm sure plenty of hippogriff/seapony fans are happy to have representatives from those races in the show proper, but that could have been accomplished within the series, separately from the movie.
It seems, at least for now, the only thing making the movie canon does is tentatively open up locations from the movie for future episodes and Cutie Map quests. This is a part that I am actually happy with, as I thought the movie jumped from location to location too quickly for us to really get a chance to appreciate and explore the more exotic locales that obviously had a lot of work put into them.
Even so, it still doesn't sit well with me that the season 8 premiere has nothing to do with the season 7 finale, and I'm not sure a few new map locations and a few name drops of characters from the movie are worth that trade.
Ultimately I just worry that the series will sidetrack itself too much trying to make nods towards the movie instead of moving ahead with its own narrative. That at least is a problem we'll have to wait and see about, and I admit it may not occur at all. But should this season find itself involved with a lot of "As you Know Bob" style story-telling and "Agents of Shield" style 'oh, you just miss Tempest, she was here a moment ago' name dropping, then I fear it may greatly weaken the integrity of the season...
And trying to make the movie canon to the series will be a big part of the problem.
I know, I know. Chancellor Neighsay is a bully and a bigot, and where does he get off telling Princesses how to conduct their affairs, but is he perhaps a truly ideological villain? The type a large part of the fandom said they wished Starlight had remained?
On the surface Neighsay is absolutely designed to rub you the wrong way. Judgemental, disdainful, and condescending, he seems to look down not just on Twilight and her school, but on the other races in general. At best he sees them as dangerous, at worst and outright threat to ponykind.
But if we can look past the bad attitude and the seemingly 'put on airs' it's very clear that Chancellor Neighsay does not share the world view of Twilight and her friends, nor even that of Princess Celestia.
From the outset he misunderstood what Twilight was attempting to teach and to who. When he mused that the school would be meant to teach ponies how to defend themselves from their enemies, that should have raised a red Grogar, and Twilight should have further explained what she was trying to accomplish and her methods before pushing her proposal through the EEA. Even if the student 6 hadn't skipped school or destroyed part of the facility, Twilight's school would still have been shut down thanks to this fundamental misunderstanding.
But where-from comes this dramatically different perspective on what a school is even for?
You have to remember that with the MLP movie made canon, Equestria has just suffered a nationwide invasion from outside forces. Yes one of their leaders was a pony, but the vast majority of the armed forces and the Storm King himself were 'other creatures'. In a post-war scenario where the country and its leaders had been completely routed and temporarily enslaved, it's not a surprise someponies might be distrustful and outright hostile to other creatures...especially those who has warred with poniesninthe past, like Changelings, dragons, griffins, and yaks. Even sour sentiment towards the hippogriffs might be unavoidable if Queen Novo's refusal to aid Twilight were common knowledge.
The fact of the matter is that Equestria is a dangerous world of monsters, and a world that has very recently known war. It makes sense to prepare ponies for the struggles that they may have to endure. This is ultimately what chancellor Neighsay wants to do, and the purpose towards which he thinks education could be best put to use.
While it's obvious that his views are an allegory for racism (which has always been a part of Equestria, way back to its founding) but his point of view isn't actually all that extreme. He's just kind of a jackass about it.
So we are faced with two competing ideologies. Both want to make Equestria safer. Twilight and her friends believe in the power of friendship and think the best way to protect ponies is to extend their friendship to other creatures. Neighsay (and assumedly the rest of the EEA) seem to think the best way to protect ponies is to expand their knowledge and power, and jealously guard these things from the other races.
While it's obvious who we are meant to root for and Neighsay may have an ugly personality, but he's not necissarily outright evil. It remains to be seen if he will truly be the ideological villain some have hoped for, or if he'll just end up being an intolerant pony-supremacist.