I like ponies now. Hi! This post doesn't really have a point other than me wanting to share my appreciation of the show, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
So I have a friend who I talk to a lot, and he happens to be a brony. We both like talking about things that interest us, so naturally that lead to a lot of me hearing about ponies. I developed somewhat of an interest in the show because of that. Both times I tried to get into it based on episodes he said would be a good starting point, though, I couldn't really due to the whole... little pony thing (and the fact that, let's be honest, Rarity sucked in earlier seasons). One fateful night in August, though, I decided to give in and try a third time, this time starting with the beginning.
I was unsure at first, but all of my friend's talking about it and the previous two attempts had begun to desensitize me to the whole pony thing at this point, so I charged through. Over the course of the next few episodes, I started to get into it a lot more, and long story short, eight or so months later, I'm now just a few episodes away from being caught up. It's been quite the journey, and it's been great to see the show evolve. It's had its share of pitfalls, but I'm dazzled by how well Friendship is Magic does what it does; relatable and well-written character work, impressive worldbuilding, Starlight's existence... it's all so *good. I'm so glad I gave the show a second chance, and I'm excited to get to experience the last season with everyone here as it comes out!
Submitted April 08, 2019 at 06:02AM by GlassReality45
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/basxww/i_like_ponies_now/?utm_source=ifttt