Colt foal peeing trough his bellybutton, how worried do I need to be? I have a colt foal that will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.
He was born out in a clean field unassisted and is still in the field, his mother is a raving lunatic in the first few days after foaling (protective mother from hell, but she's fine otherwise, great horse and great mother) so I couldn't dip his umbilical cord, I couldn't get within 15 feet of him or she would literally kill me. Its only in the past few days I'm allowed to rub him. I noticed today he was peeing not only from his willy but from his bellybutton. He's perfectly fine otherwise he's a way bigger than a foal that's in with them with her mother that was born a month before him even taking into consideration his dam and sire are a hand bigger than her dam and sire, he's growing like bamboo. He was bigger when he was born than she was at a month old and she's not particularly small. He's fine and active and already putting on good muscle on his neck and hindquarters. His bellybutton is healed and its not irratated or swolen he's just peeing from his willy with a smaller stream coming out his bellybutton with some drips coming from his bellybutton before and after.
I googled it and while its quite common (but has never happened to me, or my mother who's bred hundreds of horses in her lifetime) no cases are like mine. Apparently its where the urine comes out when a foal is in the womb and sometimes it just happens but resolves itself after the first few days of life, sometimes it becomes infected and can require surgery but there's no cases in a foal 2 weeks old with no infection and swelling that I can find. Has anyone ever experienced this? He seems completely unaffected and is absolutely thriving. He wasn't premature he was actually over due, but its weird and I've never experienced this.
Submitted June 16, 2018 at 04:01PM by AprilMaria
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