Stubborn horse ideas? I got my gelding coming up on 2 months ago. He is some sort of draft Appaloosa cross. He's about 16HH and is built sort of like a warmblood, long legs and a slender build but feathered. I got him from a trainer who said he had been passed around many times because he was green and all the people who bought him before were beginners and had no idea how to handle him.
I have had horses my whole life and was looking for a green horse to finish up my way. However I can't seem to figure out what his problem is or if he is just being stubborn and needs more consistent work over time. Before I got him the trainer had worked with him for about a month of solid ground work and saddle time. He would walk and trot for her no problem and canter with a little bit of coaxing (he's lazy). She then had other things to do and left him out in a dirt field with just an alfalfa block.
Here's the deal:
I got him, changed his diet (slowly) to a good quality grain and hay and some real grass for once. He started picking up and showing more personality and having a ton more energy. He is still kinda lazy and slow at first but wakes up in the round pen. He now listens to just verbal cues and pointing to walk, trot and canter in the round pen and will change directions easily and stop. I used mainly natural horsemanship techniques and the earning his respect by moving his feet. He is AMAZING on the ground. A little impatient while tied but other than that, literally perfect.
Now our first few rides were great! He would walk and trot under saddle perfect and would go in circles, figure 8 no problem. Until about 2 or 3 weeks of riding 2-4 times a week and he stopped listening. He will very lazily walk away from the gate of the arena, yet when we are going towards the arena he will pick up his pace tremendously and almost break gait into a trot. And when I turn him away he tosses his head and swishes his tail. Same goes for when I ask him to trot, he throws his head and refuses. I've had the farrier look at him, it's not his feet, it's not his back (he's had equine massage therapist come out). I'm thinking he's simply testing me and being a stubborn ass.
He's going to the trainer next month but it just makes me not want to ride him until then.
Submitted February 05, 2020 at 11:53AM by inkdivy
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