Which characters would absolutely hate each-other if they met? People like to pair random characters up in a relationship. Sometimes because they think it's cute and sometimes just to see what happens. But what about the opposite? Which characters would absolutely hate each-other if they met?
I think I know a couple candidates: Limestone already hates pretty much everybody, but I'm pretty sure Trixie is one pony she never wants to meet again. When two stubborn personalities clash, it's never pretty.
But if there's one pony Limestone would hate even more, it would be Zephyr Breeze. Imagine if he tried to work on the rock farm and she had to deal with his laziness. And just to make it even worse, Zephyr would probably interpret Limestone's behaviour as her being a "tsundere" and would be convinces she's into him. Which would piss her off even more... I kind of want to see that now.
Here's another: Starlight and Lyra. Starlight is all about minimizing chaos, even dabbling with mind-control and psychological torture if she deems it necessary. Though, she no longer does that, she still prefers to have control over everything.
And now enter Lyra, the gal busting with energy and a "do whatever the fuck I want" attitude. She practically seeks out chaos, just for her own amusement. She's even willing to pursue a career in an obscure science, just because she wants to. Starlight ain't telling her what to do and how to do it.
And more than just control vs chaos, keep in mind that Lyra went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She ain't a dimwit; she can probably match Starlight in brainpower as well. Their interactions wouldn't just be mutual annoyance, it would be a mental battlefield.
So there's that. What are some other "anti-shipping" pairs you can come up with?
Submitted March 05, 2020 at 11:24AM by JesterOfDestiny
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/fdzju5/which_characters_would_absolutely_hate_eachother/?utm_source=ifttt