TMW when your girlfriend finally loses it and yells at you to come give your stupid jerk horse his antibiotics on your own because he has made a game out of refusing to let her catch/halter him, but then you walk out into the pasture and he trots up to you and lets you syringe a bunch of gross medicine into his mouth totally loose, cheerily looking on at your glaring girlfriend all the while with his tail flagged and his ears pricked 🤷♀️ #justarabthings
(we take turns feeding/medicating when necessary; her horse is NOT an Arab because she just doesn't have a good enough sense of humor 😉 He'd be fine if she'd just ignore him, but she gets so flustered and he thinks it's the most hilarious thing in the entire world. Can't help but love those desert prankster goobers, lol.)
Submitted December 15, 2018 at 06:52AM by firewings86
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