I forgot I had an account
Submitted May 02, 2019 at 10:27PM by Button_Dolly
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/bk4dnh/i_forgot_i_had_an_account/?utm_source=ifttt
So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (May 2nd, 2019) today, you know what that means...
It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!
Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):
Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.
Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.
Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!
PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget.
IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on Fimfiction.net. All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.
Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!
Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'if I don't have to do it, I won't. If I do have to do it, make it quick': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.
Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?
The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. Even if you're allergic to using emotes yourself you'll miss a lot of extra context without it.
What some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people. Don't worry there's also a topic so it ain't just "hi!" "hi" awkward silence.
Top Self Posts
The top 5 self posts, for your browsing content.
(manually selected rather than just by score)
A Villain Song is a staple of many an animated fantasy. If the Big Bad is truly as important as the hero, then there is a good chance that they will have a show stealing song of their own. For all MLP has had some truly serious villains, there have really only been three songs that I would really think would qualify as a Villain Song out of all eight prior seasons!
(This is not be confused with songs that are simply sung by villains, such as Flim and Flam's 'Opportunity' or a Song sung by a former villain such as Discord's 'Glass Of Water'.)
(Likewise not counting 'Open Up Your Eyes', or any of the songs from Equestria Girls as those occur outside the series.)
Of those three songs the first, 'This Day Aria', is a duet with the hero Princess Cadance. It's probably the one used to the most striking effect, but we don't learn the true nature of the villain doing the other half of the singing until after the song is over.
Likewise, the second example, 'Our Town', while clearly about Starlight Glimmer's warped ideology isn't really about her fiendish plans, motivations, or even herself at all. The final example, 'Say Goodbye to the Holiday', as sung by Starlight in the role of Snowfall Frost actually comes the closest to being a pure villain song that lays out Snowfall's disdain for others and what she plans to do about it (though of course, in the end, Snowfall becomes the protagonist of the story rather than the villain).
I think it would be a shame if the series was to end without a fantastic, over the top, show stopping Villain Song! And I think the perfect person to deliver it would be Grogar!
Well, despite being the apparent final villain of the series very little is known about him, to the point even some of the other villains thought he was just a legend (or in Cozy's case, had never heard of him at all.) His only prior mention in the show is as the villain of a children's book Twilight likes when she was Flurry Heart's Age! Grogar is primes and perfect for a song all about who he is, what his evil philosophy might be, what his plans for Equestria happen to be, and exactly how screwed all the little ponies are thanks to his sinister machinations.
If Grogar can show off some of that massive power he's hinted to be lacking in the process than all the better! This is the final season, and such a song would likely appear in the season finale. As such, I really feel that Grogar should be allowed to go big! Heck, maybe the other villains can join in too! Make it a whole affair with a chorus for each of the legion of doom!
Let's have one last big Villain Song!
This is a weekly event coinciding (mostly) with NPT; off-topic and meta threads will be staggered so this week's off-topic thread is being submitted now and the meta thread was posted 12 hours ago. Next NPT will be the opposite! We do not ask that all off-topic discussion be kept to this submission; it is merely here as a courtesy and you are free to continue off-topic discussion in the comments of other submissions (off-topic submissions, however, are still a no-no). Are you a listener or a talker? Have fun!
Well Epic Rap Battles of History are making a comeback and outside of watching each rap battle over again, I've been thinking almost exclusively about rap battles.
So I wrote this.
Gaze into the eyes of Limestone Pie
Sour as two week old cream pie
With the personality of rotten lime
You're like an angry bulldog, with the voice of a half-decade daily smoker
I'd tell you to get out more, but you ain't exactly a looker.
I'm an always happy positive joker everypony likes to be around
So why don't you shut your croaker and stay in the background?
Come on, even your name is sour as lime
You should take a brake and smile sometimes
Come on, you're making the whole town frown
It's not good for your health, just watch your life count down
Yo Marble, why don't you lay the beat down
While I commence this verbal beatdown
Oh for pete's sake, Pinkie Pie
Hearing your voice makes me wanna die
I'm not even sorry, I refuse to lie
Challenging me? Girl just stay inside
Layers of chins around your neck should be coiling
But you get enough excercise being annoying
Every once in a while you gotta shut your fat face
'Cuz, I'll be the rock to stick you against a hard place
Filly, I'm older
My raps are colder
Ya gotta be bolder
Messing with the keeper of Holder's Boulder
I can have smarter talks with the rocks in the backyard
My raps are like your brain... rock hard
Ooh, listen to Captain Grumpy here
Wanna teach me a lesson? Buddy please!
Ya got less charisma than Gummy on the beach!
I'll school you with my adorable chubby cheeks
But teaching friendship to this miserable gruff
A whole curriculum wouldn't be enough
You don't even have friends, 'cause let's be honest
You've got a personality that makes ponies vomit
You're running the rock farm, that is true
'Cuz rocks don't care that you're a pile of poo
You hang out with Marble, but I'm sure if she could speak
She'd be saying "please deliver me from this freak"
She doesn't have to talk, I'll give you her sting
You touch her face and make her ears ring
When you're around her face says everything
What I see is that you're way too overbearing
You're like a baby crying for attention
Only need the tiniest rejection
You go searching your reflection
To fuel you addiction for affection
Face it Pinkie,
Your life depends on other ponies
You expect the world from your homies
When they turn for a second, you're all sad and lonely
You wouldn't be hanging with Maud if it wasn't for me
Okay, Limestone, we've heard enough...
No need to spit out all your slough...
You think your raps are tough?...
Girl... don't make me laugh
...You wanna bring a solid flow?
...You need to set a closer goal
...There's water seeping through the cracks
My rhymes are stone cold, flowing like a river through the tracks
You think you're solid like diamonds, but the best you can do is rhinestone
The skeletal fragments of marine organisms inside actual limestone
Could pack a harder punch with their words against the curbstone
So don't go acting like you've been resting on the grindstone
You wanna mess with Pinkie?
I always knew you were dinky
They named a demon after her, you stinky twinky
Everypony thought your names were Inky, Blinky
Can't deny, you had your time, from season 5
But you spent your time, learning lines, for the time I found a guy
You can't break our stride, we will thrive, we have the drive
I'll pulverize, Limestone Pie, you're just garden lime
We had entire episodes dedicated to our bond
You only have headcanons and a heartbreak in a cheerful song
I always knew Marble was smarter than you, because I can hear you speak
Compared to hers, your performance is so fucking weak
[Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz]
What may be this mighty racket, our dear daughters?
Are thou trying to soil thine parents' hard work?
This is unbecoming of young rock farmers
Our dearest daughters, thy need to rock harder
Thou art nothing compared to the caverns of your origin
The tetrahedra of silicon and oxygen
And Igneous Rock, your sire
Who's stone cold and spits hot fire
You better learn your lore
Because we're the molten core
We will rock you to the core
Then give you an extra chore
Thou heard that right, better get to work
Before I make thou swallow thine words
[Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz]
There are always things about the show I want to talk about, but I'd rather not always dedicate an entire full blown thread to it or it's never the right time to mention because no one would care. Maybe it's a thought that could be answered quickly enough to end discussion or something insignificant and stupid brewing in the back of your head for awhile! Anything you want to throw out to r/mylittlepony and say your piece!
Is there anything you've wanted to mention lately but never got around to it? Anything you want to speak up about for a bit? Any pony topic at all?
After catching up on the show the last couple weeks, there's something this show does that I'm actually fairly impressed with: the show isn't afraid to show the mundane in life that comes with adulthood. It's not always some grand adventure for them. The main characters are frequently shown doing...things any of us adults can relate to. The errands, the slog of professional life, finances, struggling with boredom. You learn the characters actually have relatable, daily routines that's not a constant stream of craziness for entertainment's sake.
The Mane 6 actually frequently have to 'adult', and it's pretty glorious.
The Exodus
One thousand years and then a little bit more ago, ponies were super racist. There were three pony tribe: The Unicorns, which had cool magic powers, the Pegasi which could fly, and the Earth Ponies who posses an ambiguous connection to nature that is probably made up to make them feel better about themselves. They hated each other's guts. They hated each other so much that they attracted the attention of a bunch of ice ghosts that ate hatred, freezing everything in their path. Freezing your food source is not a great idea and they should probably look at something more sustainable.
Anywho, all three tribes independently decide to book it and settle in a new land and by pure coincidence all picked the same place. Super awkward. The race war picks up again and attracts the ice ghosts. After freezing most of the ruling class the peasants get together and go "Hey why are we doing this anyway" and promptly start getting along. This produces magic fire that murders the ice ghosts, establishing a long running precedent of ponies using friendship based weaponry to vaporize all their problems.
And that's the meaning of Pony Christmas.
The Founding
Unfortunately for the ponies, they now live in what would be modern day Equestria, which is a barren hellscape where the crops don't grow, monsters are around every corner and the forces of nature are in absolute chaos. Fortunately the ponies have a cause that they can all rally behind: not starving. The Unicorns get the short end of the stick by being in charge of raising and lowering the sun and moon, which causes such intense strain on those who perform the ritual that they prematurely age and deplete their magic. Meanwhile the pegasi stabilize and regulate the weather and the earth ponies use their ambiguous earth pony powers to grow food.
Once they had the not starving thing under control, they immediately switched to more pressing issues: Who's in charge. Obviously putting one race in charge of the other two would break the fragile balance they had established, so they can't do that. In a super convenient coincidence there happens to be a tribe of Alicorns nearby which are super ponies that exhibit the traits of all three pony races at once. Perfect. So they send a contingency to ask them to rule over them and they offload two fillies on them. The ponies were less than enthused. What happened to the rest of the Alicorns? Not important.
About this time the ponies decide they need to go all Holy Crusade and start wiping out some evil. They find six ponies that each represent one of the traits they want to serve as a theological basis for their society and form the Pony Justice League. The Pony Justice League promptly sends some fish to high school as well as other heroic acts. They become big shot celebrities. Everybody loves Pony Justice League! Well except for this one guy Stygian who was actually the 7th member of Pony Justice League and the brains of the whole operation, but he never gets any credit. Tired of getting shafted by the rest of the Pony Justice League he steals all their signature items and then makes a pact with Satan, becoming the Pony of Shadow. The Pony Justice League follow the Mutually Assured Destruction protocol and seal themselves and the Pony of Shadow in limbo.
The Royal Sisters
Back at the ranch, our alicorn super fillies Celestia and Luna were trying to get the ponies to actually follow them. You see they were actually mature by inferior pony standards, but by Immortal All-Powerful Alicorn standards they were still kids. Notably they do not have their Cutie Marks yet, which are magical symbols placed on their rear ends showcasing the one thing a pony is good for. Cutie Marks are an important part of pony culture and gaining one shows that a pony has finally hit puberty. Despite being totally superior to their subjects in every other way they got no respect without their cutie marks.
They start looking around for a suitable place to build their sweet new Playset Castle and decide to check out the incredibly dangerous forest, obviously. There they find the Tree of Harmony, a tree planted by the Pony Justice League and imbued with their respective traits to protect Equestria while they were gone in limbo. Please note the tree had to be fully grown in like a month to fit into the timeline as the writers keep cramming more and more stuff into this time period. That isn't totally out of the question though because the tree does all sorts of weird stuff like subdue an entire evil forest and grow castles out the ground and predict the future and achieve sentience and subtly guides the lives of creatures all over Equestria. Good thing it's on our side though. Probably.
Anyway Celestia and Luna not only found a sweet spot for their new castle next to the tree but they acquired a set of Deus ex Machinas from said tree in the form of the Elements of Harmony, each of which very loosely based on the key attributes of the Pony Justice League. Turns out that each of the sisters is attuned to three elements each, allowing them to use their full power between just the two of them. They will go on to use magical rainbow lasers to obliterate pests up to an including the literal god of chaos.
The Rise and Fall
Anyway shenanigans ensue for while including pissing off a tribe of zebras, bullying a dragon to prevent the next ice age, and solving diplomatic problems with pastries. One night they find Star Swirl the Bearded, lead member of the Pony Justice League and totally able to be here at this time without continuity errors, has de-magiced himself by trying to be a baller and handle the moon lowering by himself. Celestia and Luna are all like "yo hold my cider" and then proceed to show all the unicorns up by effortlessly managing the celestial bodies they are conveniently named after. This earns the two their Cutie Marks and frees up the Unicorns to be self-important without having to hold up their end of the truce any more like the other tribes.
It's about this time that they run out of evils to laser and Equestria enters a golden age of peace and prosperity under the rulership of The Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna. Well, mostly Celestia because she rules the day and Luna rules the night when everybody is asleep. Luna is not happy with the arrangement. She decides to handle this in a calm and civil manner by unleashing an eternal night upon the land and transforming into her evil alter ego Nightmare Moon. Celestia can only use half of the Elements of Harmony by herself so she can't rainbow laser her sister so she settles on banishing her to the moon for a thousand years instead.
And exactly one thousand years later to the day, the show starts. During that time Celestia moves castles, everybody forgets most of the important details of their history and Celestia starts playing chess master arranging things to friendship lasor her sister when she gets back.
And that's how Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark.
Hello everycreature may I welcome you to the Third official meeting of the Fimfiction Book Club!
That said what was our officially chosen Fimfic to read for the Book Club? None other then One Castle, Two Alicorns by James Pwyll!
So that said I am hoping to see how this turns out. So here is what the plan is. On the day when the Fimfic for the Book Club is announced, like today for example, we shall read the first chapter and give our initial impressions of the Fimfic in question in the comments below, and then the following week once we have all had time to read and digest the fimfic, we can discuss it in whole. What we liked, what we disliked, what you would have changed, etcetera.
And if you really liked the story feel free to leave a comment to let the author's know. Trust me as a writer myself I know just how much that is appreciated.
So let's discuss One Castle, Two Alicorns shall we?
So what did everyone think about this story? What did you like, what did you dislike, is there something you would have changed, or is there something that you simply with to discuss in regards to the story?
. . Alright I think I have the straw poll set up right? https://www.strawpoll.me/17923018 This should make choosing the next book for the fimfic book club easier. I'll let y'all know what the winner is tomorrow. Also a link to the previous edition of the book club here, Second Book Announcement Page. . . .
If y'all have any suggestions for One-Shot stories for us to read please feel free to share them in the comment below. I'll add them to next week's poll.
Welcome To Villain Talk, where we will talk about one G4 Villain from any branch of the media. We will talk about why we like them, why we don't like them,and any head canons we have about them. This week Chancellor Neighsay.
Who They Are: Head of the EEA who try to use his position of power to keep non-ponies from going to to the friendship school.
What I think Of them: Chancellor Neighsay is everything I wanted in a MLP villain for so long. A racist Canterlot unicorn who uses his position of power to harm other non-pony races while never going over his bounds and never doing anything illegal. My biggest problem is that we didn't see more of him as a villain. There were so much he could have done, for one he could have interacted with Spike which something I would have loved to see and was hoping for. He could interacted with some of the non-pony citizens of Equestria like the many cows, donkeys, mules, and griffons that live in Equestria, and better yet he could have been used to show Princess Twilight that non-ponies citizens are not as well off as she thought. Showing Twilight that there are a lot of ponies like Neighsay who have been taking advantage for ever, and show Twilight stepping up as a princess to try and chance this. But they didn't and I can't help but feel that Chancellor Neighsay was reform to early, don't get me wrong I can buy how he was reform, of course hope if see him again we see that while he is no longer trying to be racist he still having trouble not being racist. Because frankly that how it works real life.
I rode horses from 2010-2014. In 2014 when I was 16, my mom passed away and that took a big toll on me as you would imagine. I stopped mainly all hobbies as she was my biggest supporter. I still had my pony, but sadly she passed away in 2017.
Well, last month I signed up for lessons at a farm a town over. Since I haven't rode for 5 years, they put me in a beginner class since I haven't rode for a while and very nervous. They put me on a red roan horse named Ironman, who was very tall (probably the tallest horse i've ever rode!) but so gentle. He's pretty awesome.
I had my fourth lesson yesterday and i realized durning and after how I was just beaming. I was so happy. I'm in a class with 3 others and our instructor took us out on a trail. We got to a big open area and she asked if any of us wanted to canter. We are all walk/trot so we were all kinda nervous but she insisted we tried.
It was amazing. I smiled the whole time and it was just the happiest moment almost ever!!! I'm still giddy about it. It made me realize how much I missed riding and just how happy I was to be back!
I use to barrel race and that shift from a trot to a canter took me back. It was so nostalgic. I can't wait for my lesson next week!
I thought this would be the best place to share since... horses lol.
Last week I wrote the first post in a series I'll be doing on the friendship lessons from the show, analyzing them, discussing themes, etc.
This week we move on the first three episodes of the show following the pilot . . . and out of the gate I think the things the characters learned and the episode's stated lesson are kind of separate. As well as situational. Before I get to that though, I'll analyze each of the stated lessons on their own terms.
"I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful."
Lessons behind the lesson: I feel like the lesson here could be phrased various ways, either something like "Don't force yourself into a choice that will only make you feel guilty." or something more controversial like "Give up anything you can't share equally with your friends; never choose favorites."
Or maybe it's just "Having to pick friends and giving them something to fight over creates conflict and unhappiness."
Who really learned the lesson: In Lesson Zero, the third episode of season 2, the learning of lessons is transferred to the entire mane 6 and this episode, the third of season one, is proof that this format should've begun much earlier.
The lesson that Twilight wrote down in the journal is not the lesson learned at the end of the episode. In truth, she learned that lesson halfway through the episode. She never expressed a conceit not having enough blessings to go around didn't suck so I'm not sure the stated lesson represents any personal growth.
The real self-reflection happened in the rest of the mane 6, when Twilight gave up trying to choose (I guess that was her growth?) and her friends observed her emotions and realized they were causing her stress.
But let's stick with the show's stated lesson:
How is this lesson taught: This is one of our first glimpses into showing how MLP, and many other media, teaches a lesson. This series may open up a few discussions of ethics and morality, but the show itself actually has contains very few moral statements. Twilight doesn't learn anything is right or wrong in this episode, she learns that something feels bad.
Most episodes lessons are phrased as life advice or wisdom (You should take time to do things the right way, etc.) The word "wrong" only appears in a moralistic sense in Top Bolt "lying to your friends is wrong". Though there are a few "oughttas" and "should/shouldn't"s sprinkled throughout the other lessons.
This episode is an example of stating a feeling like it's a truth. "This feels bad". Another example is Rarity Takes Manehattan, where Rarity ends with saying "Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends."
And that brings us to.
Real life applicability: I've never had to choose friends before, but I think Twilight's situation is kind of unique in that she's been equally helped by five other people in one night, and hasn't had time to grow close to any particular one. I imagine there are a lot of people in real life who do have friends they're closer to, and the rest of their circle of friends would have no problem with someone having one best friend they're most likely to share tickets with.
The next episode's lesson, I think, is also very situational.
"So while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer."
Who learned what?: Like Ticket Master, I question whether the learned moral and the stated moral is really the same. Is giving up on harvesting an orchard by yourself and accepting help really the same as learning or changing your mind about what friendship is about? In other words, the episode is saying friendship is about accepting help . . . because AJ failed to harvest the orchard? I'm trying to imagine what an alternate episode would look like that examined more directly the impact on a friendship of not accepting help, rather than of biting off more than you can chew.
Real life applicability: I've posted these words here before but, it's funny how easily this episode could've ended with Applejack having a correct estimation of how large her farm is and being right when she said she was all done. It was only that last scene where Big Mac pointed out a whole 'nother orchard that she finally agreed to accept help.
The Grander Theme: But the moral as stated isn't really about whether Applejack could've done it herself, and her pushing herself had already caused harm by that point anyway, so my point is mute. The moral is similar to that of the pilot; "accept the help of others", except in this episode Applejack puts up a fight, whereas Twilight begrudgingly accepts help and is repeatedly impressed by how helpful her friends' help actually is.
Magic Duel is another episode where the lesson is using the help of others out of an inability to succeed alone, although Twilight didn't quite share Applejack's stubbornness.
I know this post is already a bit long, but let's get to the third episode;
- "Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who's true will surely come to light."*
Who learned what?: This moral is interesting in that it's not a conclusion that comes about from a change of mind; nopony grapples with the wrong approach to this situation before being set right. Twilight just observes Pinkie Pie's response to Gilda, and decides Pinkie handled it swimmingly.
The issue Twilight actually grappled with; of misjudging Pinkie before realizing Pinkie was right, is not addressed at all by the moral.
Real life applicability: Because the moral isn't grappled with in the episode, it's hard to say what exactly is being warned against. What kind of "control" does it refer to when nopony tried to control who Rainbow Dash hung out with?
It's easy to imagine a situation where not interfering at all with who someone hangs out with has a negative consequence; if someone's in a toxic relationship and you don't really try to get them out of it.
But at the same time, I think it has a point. In many cases, someone won't even believe you when you tell them the person they hang out with is terrible (Actually, Pinkie experienced just that, so I guess in a way the issue was addressed). Often the best thing you can do is to continue to show the person what true friendship is so they always have true support available if they need it.
Trying to be friends with the toxic person can also serve to show your friend the person's true colors in how they treat you, as so happened with Gilda.
Because relationships are so personal, people will often not listen to people telling them who they should and shouldn't be friends with (actually, telling others who to be friends with is usually a sign of being the controlling one).
The grander theme: That said, this episode's moral and approach is kind of contradicted in The Mane Attraction, where when Applejack realizes Svengallop is abusing her friend she takes more direct action than "just being a good friend". Likely, because that was an abuser situation.
So I guess I'm reading too much into the episode by comparing it to people in toxic relationships. I guess this episode is about people who are mostly nice to your friend, but jerks to you and everyone else.
Similar morals to this one are No Second Prances in which Twilight learns not to control Starlight's friendship with Trixie, and a sort of inverse in Hearts and Hooves Day which is about ponies (the CMC) learning about not forcing ponies together rather than about wanting ponies to be apart.
Thanks for reading all that. The next installment will probably just cover one or two episodes, since the next two episodes each cover what I think are two of the biggest themes within the show.
So this is something that has always been cool to think about, what with seemingly near god like entities that exist in the show itself, about what kinds of religions/ religious philosophies there might be existing in Equestria.
I've always liked to imagine that there would be quite a few cults and religions in the land. Whether it be following the tenets of Harmony in modern day Equestria.
To the Disciples of Chaos. Who seek to free their lord from his imprisonment and spread Chaos throughout the land. Probably quite cheerful to be around until they take things to extremes.
Worshippers of the Sun. Whether they be of the Celestia branch or the Azuihotl branch of the faith their worship of the Sun would be rather widespread throughout Equestria millenia ago, especially the Celestial branch and would ultimately lead to the formation of . . .
The Nightmare Cultists. The Nightmare Cultists are those who seek to place Equestria's Rightful ruler back on her throne and free her from the Moon. It is through their efforts that the Nightmare of the Moon eventually escapes her lunar imprisonment. Darkness shall last everlasting if they had their way. After the events of the Premiere I imagine that they would split into two factions: Luna's faithful, who worship her and give some reverence to Celestia and her sun, and the more extreme Nightmare Cultists who continue to worship the Nightmare Moon aspect of Luna and seek some way to bring that aspect of her back to reality.
The Tenets of Friendship. Which we have been seeing throughout the entire show and even has it's own "holy scripture" in the Friendship Journal. Supposed to be taken as Parables rather then direct stories though they are quite entertaining as well.
Or even the worshippers of the Shadows. With two rather distinct branches. A Sect in the Crystal Empire that worshipped King Sombra and his dark rule, and those ancient Equestrian Ponies with worshipped the Shadows to the point of building a Temple for it. The latter's worship and tenets are much less clear and known then the worshippers of the Shadow King.
And I am sure that there could be more out there if I only thought to expand this line of thought a little. What about the rest of y'all? What religions/philosophies do you imagine existing in Equestria either in the Modern Day OR Ancient Equestria? Do YOU have any headcanoned religions/cults/philosophies for the setting?
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
>!It has ponies!!<
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread that will be up at noon Pacific time!!!!