"Spike, I don't quite know how to tell you this…" by Mootch
Submitted August 09, 2017 at 01:47PM by Seltonik
via reddit http://ift.tt/2wKimd5
Got a question for all of you. Please forgive me in advance, I'm a dog person and know a lot more about them then horses. My dad's fiance has a horse and it has these prickly burr type things in her feathers (iirc thats the hair around their feet) and a few in her mane. How can I help get those out of her hair?
Thanks yall
I got my first horse when I turned 18. I initially refused to pay $3200 for a horse that had a multitude of issues (3 years old and fresh from track training). However I loved that broken mess so much I was ready to beg and plead with the owner. Too late and too bad. He shipped her for slaughter. He said "I dumped a lot if money into that horse and I'll be damned if she'll be some riding horse! I'd rather eat her!"
For 2 months I was beyond heartbroken. Picturing in my mind what happened to that poor mare. My life before this wasn't pretty. I was already way down the wrong path. It got much worse. Until one day I got a call from my riding coach. She said to me "I'm at the auction. You'll never guess who I'm looking at in the killpen..."
I had that mare over 11 years. She was difficult. She was amazing. She taught me everything any horse person could wish to know. She saved my life just like I saved hers. When she got sick, and I had to let her go, I died with her. I became angry and bitter. I gave up.
I was confidant she was my heart horse and I would never have that connection with any other living thing. I swore I wanted nothing else to do with horses. Nothing. The sight of them just pissed me off. Then one day a friend decided she was going away and needed someone to look after her pony. A pony she never touched because she was, well, neurotic. Terrified of the world and a physical and mental mess from years of abuse. (From the owner previous to my friend) Well I needed some cash so I agreed. I knew the pony and I did not like her. She was sketchy and had no respect for people. But money is money. One day one I thought, so have this thing for a week I might as well do something with her.
I was up for a challange knowing she would bolt the second I walked towards her in the field. I walked in the paddock and stared at her a minute. Sized her up. I started walking towards her and she turned to face me. I continued walking towards her and she started walking towards me. We got close. She lowered her head. The second my hand touched her forehead I knew. This was something even more special than before. Within one week I was out and about, bridless and bareback on a pony that never put a foot out of place. She trusted me instantly and the bond we built in that week alone is like nothing I've ever felt. A year later and there is nothing that little pony won't do for me. Sometimes I tear up just riding her because I know how damaged she was and how much she appreciates what I've given her. To this day she tries to dump anyone else that gets on her. I think its great, those riding her do not, lol.
A heart horse is very hard to find. I've been blessed enough to have had two.