[S07E07] Rainbow Spotlighting by AssasinMonkey
Submitted May 20, 2017 at 07:02PM by Sparroew
via reddit http://ift.tt/2rE26c4
We will be removing other self-posts involving general opinions of the episode for 24 hours to consolidate all discussion to this thread.
This is the official place to discuss S7E07: "Parental Glideance"! Any serious discussion related to the episode goes in here. 'Low effort' comments may be removed! Have fun!
Hiiii Again! This is the official place for your reactions to S7E07: "Parental Glideance"! Any initial conversation related to this episode goes in here, and we will be opening another thread for serious discussion a bit after the episode concludes. Keep it civil and have fun, because I said so!
I feel like I look at my mare through rose glasses sometimes and I would appreciate some honesty on conformation points. She was sold to me as a grade quarter horse mare, I'm waiting on DNA results from Texas a&m. She's got some white snowflakes on her butt so I wonder about appy being in there. She's terrifyingly fast, and doesn't ever quit, super high endurance.
Anyway, excuse my rambling, but y'all let 'Ed rip and tell me what you think please! Flicka