How long does it take to prepare for a cross country trail ride? X posted to r/trailhorses
Say I get a suitable horse this summer, but i start preparing myself now, how long would it take to be ready to safely ride across country? Preparations would include additional riding lessons for me (I've been riding western pleasure casually for 20 years and have had horses and some instruction), conditioning myself and the horse, learning more asvanced horse care/first aid (i take care of my mom's horses, but they are easy just feed them and turn them out), and going on shorter long rides to get used to being on the road with my horse, planning the route and farrier stops, and getting gear.
I'm planning on doing this alone, unless i find someone who wants to come along. I will be riding from nw pa to probably California.
What is a reasonable amount of time to prepare? 1 year? 2? Would April/may 2018 be too soon to start, or should I wait another year?
Thanks for any help.
Submitted February 17, 2017 at 11:13AM by LaserDinoSquid
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