Brag post on my new horse Things he has learned in 10 days: 1) how to wear a blanket 2) how to use a mounting block 3) how to not kick me when I pick up his feet (the farrier did all 4 feet today, no problem!) 4) how to wear English tack 5) consecutive trot poles 6) canter pole (singular😂) 7) trotting 3 crossrails in a row 8) jumped his first vertical! Like, an actual jumping attempt! So proud. 9) jumped his first skinny 10) that I am allowed to steer while he canters 11)some resemblance of contact and not being a giraffe And... 12) how to beg for cookies 🍪
TLDR:my new horse is a bamf ;)
Submitted December 30, 2017 at 02:53PM by bitsandbroadheads
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