How to get back into riding after years off! Careers in horses? Hello! Im 27 and i have been riding on and off my whole life! I rode from 13-17 at my cousins farm in Michigan over the summer and at my boces program for school! While i never considered myself a horse expert i would definitely say i am comfortable around them! Due to life and money i have not been able to ride in over 5 years :( i find myself wanting to get a career in horses like barn management and barn design i graduated with a AS in interior design) but horses are just my true love ! I just moved and might move again shortly because of my boyfriends job that school is on the back burner again. So where do i start? Taking lessons is an obvious one but my question is more about a career in horses. I have lots of anxiety because i feel like i will not be welcome my by classes or riding community because i don't have the expertise lots of riders with careers have. I don't have a horse or my own barn, nor have i leased. Im just a girl who loved going riding every summer and was so amazed by that i want to be around it everyday! How to i shake this clique in my head about "mean girls" in barns (I experienced this a lot growing up on long island). I just dont feel like my knowledge will ever match that of someone who has been around horses their whole life. Can i do this at my age? Sorry im rambling! Any advice? I want to run my own barn one day! Thank you! 😊
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 10:05AM by b__mo
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