Mini Fluttershy by Rodrigues404
Submitted June 18, 2017 at 04:39PM by Seltonik
via reddit
I have a 29-year-old thoroughbred that I bought with my pocket money as a freshman in high school. I've had him for many years now - I am finishing up the last year of a masters degree, and Sunny has been with me every step of the way.
About 5 years ago Sunny was diagnosed with equine Cushing's Disease. That was the first time anyone told me that it was "about time to say goodbye", and I didn't want to hear it. Sunny responded really well to treatment and the effects of his Cushing's slowed down. Last year he had a really bad episode of colic and the vet suggested euthanasia then, too. I decided to think on it for 48 hours, and in that time Sunny got better and eventually fully recovered. The older Sunny gets, the more an end of life plan gets discussed.
Over the last few months, Sunny has had chronic diarrhea. It is somewhat manageable through diet, but he's lost a lot of weight. He doesn't have very many teeth left and so he needs to be fed a high calorie/high fibre/low sugar soft food at least once a day. He's got creaky bones and a rumbly gut.
But, he still loves to eat and canters to the fence to greet me every morning. He's still sassy with his paddock mates, and is bright eyed and curious. I don't want to make him suffer for my benefit, but the decision would certainly be a lot easier if he wasn't having just as many good days as bad days, you know? I don't want him to slowly starve to death, or wait for something tragic and distressing to happen before I am forced to make the call, but I also don't want to euthanize him if we could've had a few more good years together.
Where do you all sit on the issue? How can you tell that it is time to say goodbye? What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Now that summer is underway and the swarms of bugs have returned, anyone have any sweet Macguyver bug-repellent methods, or are there recommended products that can be placed out in paddocks to shoo away the bugs? I'm hoping there is something that can be placed where the corner fence posts are that will emit something to clear the area.
I get how agricultural ones do but I don't get how horse ones do.
We just released the episode 07x11 iTunes RAW (No subtitles) in 1080P and 720P
We're not missing anything anymore, missing episodes with subtitles have been added, LQ/LQCC for S7 too (Well, up to episode 10), We also released the entire season 1 in 1080P H265 10 bit Definitive edition by Scootaloo :)
PS: Site had a big update under the hood, if you encounter broken links or thing you think you shouldn't, please warn us :)
Here come Tom the mirror list!
And if it fail, here some mirror we doesn't update ourselves (so it could be outdated!)
(Yes, that a lot of mirrors)
Hey everyone, it's 2 am where I am right now. My horse began colicking at 8 am this morning and by 1pm I had him at UC Davis. After a rectal exam and an ultrasound it was determined that his colon was displaced. They began him on fluids and put him in the ICU.
He was getting better for a few hours but just now they called saying that the safest option right now is surgery since no amount of sedation is making him comfortable.
I believe it is a left dorsal displacement, it's not twisted or anything but still very much not a good thing. I've had my other horse colic a few times before, never this severe though and I am obviously freaking out pretty badly.
I just wanted to know if anyone on this sub has gone through this or known anyone that's gone through this and can gave me advice on what to expect...