You are your horse's advocate! Just posting this as a reminder to those that need to hear it.
You are your horse's advocate. You do not need to push your horse if you do not approve of it. You can tell a trainer or professional "No." You can develop at a pace that suits you and your horse, you do not need to base your speed of development on those around you or what ever someone on social media is doing.
So often we feel pressured to go faster, get better, do better, be the best. But once you let go of these invisible "expectations," you'll find that life gets a lot easier. Do the best that you can. Make your goals small and attainable. Don't have time to ride? Envision yourself executing a specific movement, or reacting to a spook, or going on a relaxing trail ride. Make that your smallest, attainable goal. You can even practice subtly shifting your weight while driving (be careful though) or riding on public transit. I even practice half halts while walking my dog!
Encourage yourself. Be mindful of your progress while thinking of your goals. No one improves in a day. Allow yourself and your horse proper time to develop. You can push yourself and them, but be kind. Accept that you both will make mistakes and be gracious. You are working with your best friend. Make sure you treat your horse and yourself as such!
Submitted March 04, 2020 at 10:57AM by Tea-Tree-Me
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