Can we have a discussion about the BLM, its management of wild horses, and how *defenders* of these horse act. Change my view? I grew up in Eastern Oregon in the high desert, I've hunted, been to many cattle roundups, explored many of the canyons and remote areas we're lucky to have as public lands. As I've gotten older I've become more attached to this land, the protection of it, and the guardianship of the many species that live in it.
The BLM being a steward of this land is obviously of great importance, and being from eastern Oregon I've the seen the ire and dark side of people when they attempt to wrangle their feelings about this government agency. I've seen signs on the side of the road calling for the abolition of organization and I've seen our land invaded and taken over by individuals who threaten violence against people who work for this branch of the government.
Now my exposure to horses is quite moderate, I've rode them, grew up around them, even helped raised some huge Belgians for a few years when I lived in the country. As someone who has great respect for animals and our public lands, I however for the life of me cannot understand what is up with all these crazy wild horse people? If you took the horses out of the subject matter it would almost seem like it's some sort of cult religion or following with how these people act.
Lately I've seem lots of these individual spam the BLM facebook page with nonsensical stuff such as this, bear in mind this was on a post about a Wild and Scenic river in Alaska, and people who like to float it.
""The BLM is literally running tiny and fragile baby horses to death" His mother tried to defend him. The angry wranglers rode up roped the mare. She resisted so hard to defend her foal but they dragged her away. The little black foal could not keep up. 😰 😰The wranglers had to get their blood money so the foal was escorted to the pen trap. You see they loose money if a horse escapes. BLM doesn't count foals; young lives don't matter! 💔 💔This photo is of the foal found dead Sunday morning; so traumatized he died. 😰His crime: he was born free. 😰 😰To find out more information go to American Wild Horse Campaign face book page; films and information."
So could someone possibly educate me with what the BLM does to wild horses that's really so monstrous and wrong? As someone who's been to cattle roundups and watched videos of BLM wild horse roundups, I fail to see how horses are treated significantly different than cattle. A roundup for a calf is certainly a traumatic experience, they get separated from their mother, tied up, dragged on the ground, branded, poked with a needle, balls cut off; all of this happens in less than a minute, but surely what a foal goes through in a roundup isn't worse? I don't suppose the people who cry of abuse by the BLM would also cry abuse by the ranchers in the cattle industry as well?
Not exactly sure what this post is about, perhaps I am just looking for affirmation that these people are indeed crazy, and in general ostracized by most of the people in the horse community. Or perhaps there is more to this story than I realize. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts.
Submitted August 15, 2018 at 02:55PM by Bennyboy1337
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