A year ago, I used to think Bronies were gross and creepy. Today, I call myself a Brony. Here are some thoughts. If someone would've told me that I'd love MLP and call myself a Brony/Pegasister a year ago, I'd think they were crazy. Not only would I think they were crazy, I'd think there was something wrong with them for even implying that I'd like the show. At that point, I had never watched MLP Friendship is Magic. I had a few pony toys in the 90's as a child and I had seen the show in passing, but I never gave any real thought into it. Why would I? It's just a colorful cutesy show for little girls, right?
...Now, when I say I thought Bronies were gross and creepy, I mean that to the fullest extent. I clearly remember a male relative telling me he was a fan of the show and I was disgusted by it. "Why is he watching a little girls show?" and "Is he a pervert?" were some of the questions I was asking myself. A grown man should find nothing attractive about a little girls tv show. A grown man should not be able to relate to a show for small children.
I am here to say that all of these assumptions were 100% wrong. I was guilty of pure ignorance and I cannot believe how hard fans of MLP are unjustly stigmatized after watching the show. As someone who went from "Why would anyone who is not a 7 year old girl like MLP ?" to a huge fan of the show, I absolutely cannot comprehend why it's totally acceptable and even cool to like other childrens cartoons like Spongebob and Pokemon, but not MLP. I'd argue that MLP is even more mature in its writing style and lessons than many cartoons today. I don't want to go into detail as to what makes the show so great, I think most people here know that, I just felt like I needed to express my thought as someone who has been on both sides of the MLP spectrum.
I would like to tell anyone who has ever judged or made fun of MLP fans to just watch the show. Sit down and watch a few episodes. Even if you aren't a fan of it, you will understand that there is so much more to MLP than it seems. I'd also like to tell anyone who has ever been judged or made fun of for liking the show to not let those things dim your love for My Little Pony. People love to bash what they don't understand, and this is coming from someone who used to do exactly that.
I write all of this because I am now the person who gets weird looks for being an unapologetic MLP lover. I used to give those weird looks. I used to think that there was absolutely something wrong with "Bronies" and "Pegasisters" and I myself could not have been any more wrong in my life.
Submitted February 16, 2018 at 07:39PM by xhxylxyx
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/7y3zzu/a_year_ago_i_used_to_think_bronies_were_gross_and/?utm_source=ifttt