A clients horse 🐎 this week photoshooting
Submitted June 14, 2018 at 10:57PM by davidbrown87
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/8r8dm6/a_clients_horse_this_week_photoshooting/?utm_source=ifttt
Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'Ra Ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.
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The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. Even if you're allergic to using emotes yourself you'll miss a lot of extra context without it.
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They are the softest things ever. The shape of the ears is really nice to look at too.
Specifically, horses only have two types of cones in their eyes instead of the three humans have. This means that they are thought see in a manner similar to a red-green colorblind person, so they actually cannot easily distinguish green changeling magic or the Alicorn Amulet magic that Trixie uses from being different than normal pony magic by looking at the horn aura.
This leads me to a second more philosophical point: how closely does the show we watch resemble the actual reality of Equestria?
Made this post about bad habits this morning. Sounds like this place might be full of red flags, so I want some more experienced horse folk's opinions.
I've never been to a dedicated trail riding farm before this one so I figured maybe things are different because it's a different discipline? I guess you guys can tell me if these things are a matter of opinion or discipline or actually detrimental.
For one thing, the hitching posts don't have quick release snaps. Why would that be?
They use metal curry combs all year round. That seems like it would be painful to me. I always use a rubber curry, if I can find one. Keyword, if.
They don't pick out their horse's feet before rides. The times I have picked out their feet, they've looked freshly picked already. Idk if it's the terrain that makes it pretty unnecessary? But these horses are going out on a trail, shouldn't you at least check?
After the ride, they hitch the horses back up to the posts and that's it. No untacking. No grooming. Maybe they could be used for another ride later after I've left but that would be hours from then. They are always still standing around in full tack by the time I leave.
The horses are usually tacked up 2-3 hours in advance and left on the hitching rail until ride time. Some have shade. Some don't.
So overall, horses are in very tight saddles (liability to have the saddle roll essentially is what I was told) and bits for at least 5 hours with the actual ride being the only thing I could call relief for them.
I would expect a trail horse to be bomb proof. The owner has cautioned me against putting brushes on the hitching rail in case one falls and spooks a horse (and breaks a hitching rail). If a horse is gonna spook at a brush, I would imagine he'd be worse on a trail.
People who are busy shoveling poop and such rarely get a break. I go get some water and stand in front of a fan for a few minutes after working for hours on end and get told to get back to work. By people who don't have to do any physical labor. And then they're gonna be super nit picky too.
The owner seems very jaded. Like she hates people in general. Kind of has an "oh well too bad" attitude about any complaint. Ironically complains a lot about how work is being done and how no one ever helps. I've seen her drinking too. Can you imagine paying for a service and the manager is buzzed?
I've seen the owner float a horse's teeth. I know you have to sedate a horse for that. I know trimming your own horse's feet to save money is one thing but this? I hope she has some actual training.
The horses themselves actually look well kept for. Good looking feet. Shiny coats. Good weights. Long luscious manes. So I've argued that clearly they're well taken care of, maybe the horses are just used to these things?
I initially started volunteering here to get a good work out, make some friends, and enjoy the free rides but idk if I want to give them my free labor anymore. Sticking around could mean learning how to handle more difficult horses (and people) but idk. How much of this is common and how much of this is just wrong?
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Earlier seasons imply that cows, sheep and pigs are just as intelligent as ponies.
That hasn't seemed to be the case for a long time, and I no longer consider it canon, personally.
As far as I'm concerned, cows, sheep, goats and pigs are "just animals".
What about you? Is there anything from earlier seasons that you don't feel like is canon anymore?
I've recently started volunteering at a trail riding farm. Good exercise, make new friends, and free riding! But a few horses have some bad habits.
I highly doubt I'll ever have any personal time with one horse so training the horse isn't too much an option. (Maybe some day though? But the farm owner kind of has the attitude of not wanting anyone to "taint" her horses so...she's actually worth a whole other post cuz she's a bit questionable...)
I guess what I'm looking for is temporary solutions then. Some bad habits I've encountered are... *being very mouthy/always looking for cookies *walking off while mounting AND dismounting *a horse who kinda hops/skips uncomfortably into a canter *food aggression at feeding time, pinning ears, crowding me. I worry a lot about being caught between two horses. They're constantly weaving around so it's hard to stay 100% away from butts. I know remaining calm and confident is important but I really struggle here when I feel like I'm going into a war zone.
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