Instructor favorizing my friend So me and my friend ride in the same group. My instructor always asks her to catch the horses and bring them in, help the others etc but when I try to do something she tells me to just stand back. My instructor also always assigns EVERYONE'S horses, except for my friend's. My friend literally always gets to choose between the 4 or 5 horses that are left after everyone else has gotten a horse. When someone else tries to ask if they can choose it's a definite NOPE from the instructor.
She also always gets the new horses, or the one's that have competed in high classes, sometimes even the private boarders let her borrow their horses. During the lessons she doesn't have to ride in the group either, my instructor lets her ride off on her own if we are many in the group. Literally no one else is ever allowed to do that and get we yelled at if we go too far away. Like one time we had a boring lesson where we had to trot in circles, but she was allowed to canter around in the far side of the pasture, almost out of sight, bareback, on one of the other instructor's new dressage horse.
We have been riding for the same amount of years at that stable yet she gets all of the privileges.
Submitted March 23, 2019 at 02:26PM by Emskiies
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