Potential Plagiarism in MLP Art Contest, Please Help? I'm not personally involved in the MLP fandom (saw the first few seasons and liked it, never got around to watching more), but a friend of mine is an artist in the MLP community and not on Reddit. She is currently having trouble with some entries for an art contest/raffle she is holding: she is fairly certain that some of the entries are possibly stolen (and one was confirmed as such), and she doesn't want to judge the contest and have their entries interfere with the judging process, but exclude them in the event their art isn't stolen.
Not knowing where else to turn, I thought maybe some of you would recognize the artwork or artists if it's stolen or recolored. Any help at all would be appreciated. Reverse image search only found the one that is confirmed stolen.
Here is my friend's DeviantART journal entry on the subject, which includes the art in question. Again, we really appreciate any help any of you can offer on this matter. And here is the artwork:
Submitted May 14, 2019 at 10:28PM by AshesToProveIt
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/botaxp/potential_plagiarism_in_mlp_art_contest_please/?utm_source=ifttt