Pony Girl - Kazoo Cover
Submitted December 07, 2017 at 11:27PM by bloons3
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/7id5cb/pony_girl_kazoo_cover/?utm_source=ifttt
I mean, they still show up, but don't really do much. I feel like there's a lot of potential with these characters by having them interact with the main cast, and they have established personalities now.
Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'Why don't they have a Christmas header yet?': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.
Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?
The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. You may not need it for yourself, but you will be missing out on tons of hidden ponies scattered across the forum.
What some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people. Don't worry there's also a topic so it ain't just "hi!" "hi" awkward silence.
There is no news.
Oh okay the End of Year Survey was made live while I was writing up this post. That ruins my previous joke. - (direct)
Every week there are two Plounge member of the 'day' AMAs! You can sign up here. AMAs since last week's TWOTP are...
Character Discussions Threads (weekly on Fridays) courtesy of /u/I_Condone_Pone:
Top Posts
The top 5 link and self posts, for your browsing content.
Self Posts
(manually selected rather than just by score)
Hello once again my lovely subjects. /u/bluegodzill while you're here please note there was a mixup when sending out this year's Secret Santa packages and the er... wrong gift headed to you. But if you try them on send me pictures.
To more important matters, it's time to celebrate our villains! Whether they're lovable, intimidating, or Chrysalis, the antagonists of our kingdom are important contributors to the story of our kingdom. And then we turn them into friends because that's how we roll.
This upcoming week starting on the 11th post or repost your favorite Villain themed content with the tag [Villain Week], and as always have a safe and fun Hiatus!
Also we totes know who the best villain is.
As always this is not mod endorsed or enforced. Just me doing my thing.
Eighteenth release with 160109 stories.
Fimfarchive is a project which aims to release all stories available on Fimfiction, together with their metadata, as a single archive. The archive is organized by author and could be used for backup, offline reading, or data mining.
A new version will be released each season via BitTorrent, approximately once every three months. When suitable, an xdelta3 patch will also be provided for users who do not wish to redownload unchanged stories.
Note that the archive contains a large number of files. Unzipping it to your file system may not be necessary if the archive is to be used together with some application. If you are a developer, reading directly from the ZIP-file may be preferable.
The complete archive.
Stories were downloaded between 2017-11-01 and 2017-11-27.
See the README file or my submission history for more information.
Now with metadata from APIv2, thus breaking backward compatibility. Author's notes have also been added to all currently available stories. No patch will be released since 70% of all stories have been modified.
The answer the pops to mind would be 'Celestia' of course. She has ruled Equestria for a thousand years and moves to the sun in the sky... That speaks to a level of god-like power. However, she is easily defeated in one on one combat by a single Changeling fueled by the love of a single unicorn. Even when she defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, it was not with her own power but with the borrowed might of the Wlements of Harmony. Celestia may be a strong ruler, but she may not be the strongest Princess.
The next best guess would be Luna. As Nightmare Moon, at least, she seemed to be more than a match for Celestia. On top of that, her powers of dream-walking is fairly unique, granting her the ability to help or hinder friends and foes as they sleep. Ultimately, though, she seems to consider herself somewhat lesser compared to her sister and often defers to her. Such deference is not a weakness, but without her dark powers it's possible Luna is not the strongest Princess.
So who is left?
Twilight isn't a bad candidate. The active element of magic, she has defeated many powerful foes. Granted, that has usually been with powers granted by the Elements of Harmony, or some other artifact, but she is an accomplished magician all the same, and has a vast working knowledge of helpful spells. The thing is, however, she doesn't seem to be much more powerful than she was as a unicorn. While Twilight doesn't strain under her spell casting as much as she did before the wings, she still hasn't shown any unique or inate powers related specifically to her ascension. Twilight may be strong, but maybe not the strongest Princess.
Then there is Cadance. Cadance is admittedly a secret powerhouse. Not only does she seem to have the ability to boost others magic (specifically Shining Armor's shield spell when the Changelings were first defeated), but she also can deploy a formidable shield spell of her own. Then there is the (frankly terrifying) ability she innately has as the Princess of Love, being able to make even arguing ponies fall in love with one another. It's powerful enough if the spell simply enhances affection that is already there... If Cadance is capable of imposing love, then she is very powerful indeed. Cadance May quietly be the strongest Princess of all... Given she has her own Empire to rule, simply moving celestial bodies may not be all that impressive.
Lastly there is Flurry Heart. While she clearly has a ton of raw power (that she seems to exercise instinctually) she is still just a baby. Her power may be hers to command, but her strength may actually lay with her mother. If Flurry Heart did turn out to be the strongest Princess, then her strength would still be a part of Cadance's over all power.
In the end, I think Cadance May be the strongest Princess.
Back in November of 2015, Hasbro released "It's a Pony Kind of Christmas", an album featuring the ponies singing traditional Christmas songs (with a few originals thrown in). If Hasbro were to release a second Christmas album for MLP, what traditional or non-traditional songs would you want each of the ponies to sing? Note that while all the songs covered on the last Christmas album were public domain, you don't have to adhere to that for your choices.
My picks would be as follows:
For Twilight, I think she could do a good version of "Silver Bells".
For Pinkie, there's a few different songs that I think would be good for her, but I think that "My Favorite Things", "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" or "Sleigh Ride" would suit her quite well.
For Rarity, the first song that comes to mind is "Santa Baby", but if something a little less flirtatious is necessary, I could see her doing a really good cover of "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)".
For Fluttershy, I think her singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" would be absolutely adorable.
I think Rainbow Dash could do a pretty good cover of The Beach Boys' "Little Saint Nick".
For Applejack (and perhaps the rest of the Apple family), I could see them doing a good version of "We Need a Little Christmas".
Last but not least, I'd like to hear the CMC do a version of "Frosty the Snowman"...or would it be "Snowmare"?
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
[It has ponies!](/spoiler)
Becomes: It has ponies!
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread here!!!!!
Kind of a multi-part question though:
Who do you think out of the Mane 6 is the most likely to move away from Ponyville, be it on a temporary or permanent basis?
Who do you think out of the main cast in general (that includes family members and Starlight and her crew)?
Finally, who is the pony most likely move away, period?
Seems unlikely, doesn't it?
Twilight Sparkle is the main character of MLP:FiM, and has been for seven seasons and a handful of movies.
But the idea isn't entirely foreign. After all, her human world counterpart did show that Twilight might have a bit of a darker, wilder side hidden under her bookish exterior.
If Twilight were to make the switch from protagonist to antagonist, even for one episode, how do you think it would happen?
Would it be like Inspiration Manifestation, where Twilight would be influenced by a cursed object and not be entirely herself?
Or would it simply be the result of Twilightdecoding she knew best and throwing around her royal weight as a queen rather than a princess?
Or perhaps something far more dramatic... perhaps Spike, or one of her other friends, could be hurt. We know Twilight is slow to wrath, but she does have a temper and she's not an infinite well of patience. Could she be driven to lash out and in so doing make an enemy of all of Equestria?
Regardless of how or why it might happen, I think it would be very interesting if Twilight were to become the villain.., even if for only a single episode
Welcome to Non-Pony Character Reboot where we discuss how to bring a non-pony non-villain character back into G4. Today character Sludge.
In G1: Sludge was a small lava demon that work for the cruel King Lavan. Although often counted as one of the villains he as well as the other lava demons are shown to be very unhappy under the rule of Lavan and he willingly join with the ponies to beat him.
How I would bring back: There is little need to change him, just bring him, King Lavan, and the lava demons back with the only different being what King Lavan plans are. Maybe have him become the new leader of the lava demons after Lavan is dealt with and peace is made.
That how I would do it, how about you?