I Don't Know Maybe Uhhh Give Me A Year
Submitted June 21, 2020 at 08:16PM by BaconHero20
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/hdje3d/i_dont_know_maybe_uhhh_give_me_a_year/?utm_source=ifttt
Please hear me out.
I've had a secret love and passion for horses for most of my life. Yet in all those years do you wanna guess how many times I've actually gotten to be around them? Three or four TOPS, though I'm not sure exactly. But suffice it to say, it is an extremely rare thing for me to touch them, play with them, ride them, etc. Basically, the variables surrounding my life, my family, my community, and my geographic area have made horses essentially unavailable to me, but the worst part is that there HAVE been times where the opportunity has been SO close, only to be snatched away from me. I swear to God that's always how this goes!!! After years of longing I'll FINALLY have some kind of riding opportunity come up, and then things go wrong. In the latest case, it was the stupid ass pandemic.
And this is what leads me to believe that despite my intense longing and love for these animals, horses just weren't meant to be a part of my life. Whatever god is up there, whatever sort of cosmic force that controls the universe had decided it's not in the cards for me. That has to be it, because why else would a horse-loving girl like myself constantly find herself disappointed? ALWAYS have something getting in the way of her dreams? I see pictures of other people kissing their horses on the nose and the horse rubbing them back, and it makes me cry, because I know I will never have that chance. A horse will never love me, and even if it does, it won't happen anytime in the foreseeable future. And folks, I'm just so tired of waiting. I'm tired of exhausting my search engine trying to look for horse interaction opportunities only to come up empty-handed.
I love animals so much. I'm always going out of my way to cuddle and feed cats that come around the house, because they're adorable and I want to be their friend. I just want an animal, especially a horse, to love me back. But will that ever happen? I'm so lonely. I have no friends. I'm sorry, but I've waited for 20+ years, and I can't do it anymore. I feel like this may be God's way of saying I don't deserve to find happiness; that I should forever be alone in this world.
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